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Their Role and Regulation

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1 Their Role and Regulation
DNA Polymerases: Their Role and Regulation January 31, 2018

2 DNA Replication

3 The DNA Polymerases Family A Family B Family X Family Y
Pol γ Pol α Pol β Pol η Pol υ Pol δ Pol λ Pol ι Pol θ Pol ε Pol μ Pol κ Pol ζ Pol σ Rev 1

4 The Role of DNA Polymerases

5 Why Study DNA Polymerases?
Biochemistry Genetic Control Elements Evolution DNA Polymerases Regulation Genomic Stability Disease and Cancer

6 Xeroderma Pigmentosum - Variant
-Autosomal recessive disease resulting from Pol η mutations -Inability to bypass T-T dimers -Patients have an increased sensitivity to sunlight and a higher incidence of skin cancer

7 Translesion Synthesis Reaction
INSERTION EXTENSION Pol-DNA14 Pol-DNA15 koff DNA13 Pol-DNA16 dNTP Pol DNA14 DNA15 Kin Kex Pol-DNA14 Pol-DNA15 koff DNA13 Pol-DNA16 dNTP Pol DNA14 DNA15 Kin Kex dNTP dNTP dNTP DNA13 Pol-DNA14 Pol-DNA15 Pol-DNA16 Kin Kex koff koff Pol Pol DNA14 DNA15 DISSOCIATION Gestl and Eckert, 2005

8 Translesion Synthesis Model
Pol δ Pol η Pol δ Pol η

9 Model for XP-V Phenotype
+ Pol ? + Pol  Polymerases  and ? work in tandem to complete error-free TLS In the absence of pol , another polymerase performs error-prone TLS

10 Journal Article Control of spontaneous and damageinduced
mutagenesis by SUMO and ubiquitin conjugation Philipp Stelter & Helle D. Ulrich

11 Zebrafish Model System
-Production of hundreds of transparent eggs biweekly -ex utero development of embryos -Generation time of 3 months -Relatively inexpensive -Vertebrate organism -Can develop tumors Synthesis Protein Folding Covalent Modification Binding of other cofactors or proteins Day 3

12 Post-Translational Modifications
Covalent modification of proteins by enzymes necessary to elicit a specific biological response -Phosphorylation -Methylation -ADP-Ribose -Acetylation -Ubiquitination -SUMOlation







19 Sumo

20 Sumo -Small protein molecule, ~100 AA
-4 SUMO molecules found in mammals, SUMO1, SUMO2, SUMO3, SUMO4 -Conjugation is similar to Ubiquitination

21 Sumoylation

22 Comparison of Sumo and Ubiquitin

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