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The Breathing System.

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Presentation on theme: "The Breathing System."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Breathing System

2 By the end of today’s class you should be able to:
Know what aerobic respiration is Give the word equation for aerobic respiration Demonstrate the products of aerobic respiration. About the parts of the breathing system What happens when we breathe in and out

3 Homework Write about the model of the lungs that we looked at today and how it works like our breathing system Pg 45 Q2,3,4 Learn the word equation and the parts of the breathing system from today

4 This is not the way to do it!!
Getting energy from food This is not the way to do it!! You may want to add a musical clip of your own to this slide!

5 Why breathe? Living things release energy from their food by burning it inside their cells. This is called respiration. When animals use oxygen for respiration it is called aerobic respiration.

6 Getting energy from food
-The Equation + Glucose Oxygen Carbon Dioxide + + Water Energy

7 Review DIET Respiration digestion ENERGY
Once we have digested the food from our diet, we release many useful substances. DIET Respiration digestion Useful raw materials ENERGY The body uses the energy from respiration to turn these raw materials into useful substances.

8 B - The release of energy from food
1. Which of the following is a definition of respiration? A breathing B the release of energy from food C obtaining oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide D exchanging gases Correct answer: B - The release of energy from food

9 The Breathing system Breathing is the way in which living things take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide and water from their bodies. Mouth and Nose Epiglottis Voice box Trachea Ribs Intercostal muscle Bronchus Give a brief description of how air travels to the alveoli in the human breathing system. Mention that the alveoli is where gas exchange takes place – gases needed by the body can pass into the blood, whereas gases that body does not want pass from the blood into the alveoli. Draw attention to the diaphragm. ribs and the Intercostal muscle and ask the students to guess what they might do. Make the students aware that they should be able to label the parts of the breathing system. Bronchiole Alveoli Diaphragm

10 Click on the ‘Air Drawn in’ buttons to explore the
animation Give a brief description of how the air passes into the lungs – As the students to make comparisons to their observations from examining the model of the lungs.

11 Click on the ‘Passage of air’ buttons to explore the
animation Give a brief description of how the air passes out of the lungs – As the students to make comparisons to their observations from examining the model of the lungs.

12 Test yourself… How do living things get energy from food?
What aerobic respiration is Give the word equation for aerobic respiration Name the two products of respiration How can you test that water is made in respiration? How can you test that carbon dioxide is made in respiration?

13 By the end of today you should be able to:
Describe the difference between inhaled air and exhaled air Describe what happens in the alveoli during breathing Say the functions of all of the parts of the breathing system

14 Activity Interactive game – breathing and respiration simulation
Ask students to complete these activities. Interactive game – breathing and respiration simulation

15 Alveoli air in bronchiole oxygenated blood deoxygenated blood alveoli
Ask students to point out the alveoli are on the diagram of the lungs. Give a brief description of the picture.

16 The outside of the alveolus is covered with tiny blood vessels.
Alveoli Air makes its way to special air sacs. known as an Alveoli The outside of the alveolus is covered with tiny blood vessels. We can look inside the alveolus to get some idea of why they are shaped the way they are.

17 Animation of gas exchange in the alveoli
Blood vessel (a capillary) Bronchiole Blood going to the body from the alveoli is rich in oxygen and low in carbon dioxide Blood coming from the body is low in oxygen and high in carbon dioxide Oxygen diffuses into the blood Carbon dioxide and water vapour diffuse into the alveoli Describe the gas exchange that takes place in the alveoli. Emphasise how the gas exchange take place by diffusion from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. Show the animation and ask the students to explain what is happening. Ask the students questions about where they think the oxygen will go to in the blood, and where all the carbon dioxide and water vapour is coming from – link to respiration! Make the students aware that they should know how to describe how gas exchange occurs in the alveoli. Alveolus Animation of gas exchange in the alveoli



20 In and out but which way around?
Activity In and out but which way around? Ask students to complete the activity.

21 Experiment to test whether inhaled air or exhaled air has more carbon dioxide in it..

22 Differences between inhaled and exhaled air
Part of air: Inhaled air Exhaled air Oxygen 21% Less Carbon dioxide 0.4% More Water vapour Depends on the weather Nitrogen 78% The same Go through the table while encouraging students to suggest possible reasons for these changes. Make the students aware that they should be able to describe the trends of the changes but not the exact values!

23 The effects of smoking…
The tiny hairs inside your nose get clogged up and let dirt and bacteria get into your lungs!

24 The effects of smoking! Bronchioles get irritated and secrete lots of mucous – this gives you smokers cough!

25 Smoking stops gas exchange happening properly
Smoking stops gas exchange happening properly! – carbon monoxide is taken into our blood instead of oxygen!

26 Even more dangers… It increases the chances of getting lung cancer…

27 Even more dangers… If you smoke when you are pregnant the chemicals will enter the babies blood and affect its development.


29 Living things can have different types of breathing systems!
An insect uses spiracles on their skin for gas exchange Ask the students to what they think is different about breathing and respiration and discuss this. Explain, very briefly, how gas exchange can happen in places other than the lungs! Plants use tiny openings in their leaves called stomata for gas exchange Fish use their gills for gas exchange

30 Homework Write up today’s first experiment into your notes copy
Get test signed and do corrections

31 Test yourself Explain the difference between inhaled air and exhaled air. What happens in the alveoli? What gas is taken from the alveoli into the blood? What gases travel from the blood into the alveoli? How does smoking effect the breathing system?

32 The Breathing system Breathing is the way in which living things take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide and water from their bodies. Nasal cavity Tongue Epiglottis Larynx (voice box) Trachea Ribs Intercostal muscle Bronchus Give a brief description of how air travels to the alveoli in the human breathing system. Mention that the alveoli is where gas exchange takes place – gases needed by the body can pass into the blood, whereas gases that body does not want pass from the blood into the alveoli. Draw attention to the diaphragm. ribs and the Intercostal muscle and ask the students to guess what they might do. Make the students aware that they should be able to label the parts of the breathing system. Bronchiole Alveoli Diaphragm

33 Part of system Function (job) Nose
Used to take air into our bodies. Hair and mucus in nose trap the dirt and bacteria Trachea Carries air to the lungs. Held open by rings of cartilage. Bronchus Tube which carries air from the trachea to our lungs Bronchioles Thin tubes which carry air to from the bronchus to the alveoli. Alveoli Tiny air sacs were gas exchange takes place. Intercostal muscles Help air to move in and out of the lungs Diaphragm Ribs Protect the lungs

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