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HW: Maintenance Sheet 6.10 *Correction: Question 16 & 17 goes together

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1 HW: Maintenance Sheet 6.10 *Correction: Question 16 & 17 goes together
Bellringer *write down in your notebook 2. Each piece of candy costs $.25. The price of some pieces of candy was $2.00. A. n + $.25 = $2.00 B. $.25n = $2.00 C. $ $.25 = n D. $ n = $.25 E. none of the above 1. Simplify 10x + 9y – 5x2 5x + 9y 5x2 + 9y -5x + 9y -5x2 + 9y 10x + 9y – 5x2  

2 Distributive Property
What strategies can be used to solve algebraic expressions and equations? Combine Like Terms Expression Equations Solving Equations Distributive Property

3 Formative Assessment Task
7.EE:Use properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions. 7.EE:Solve real-life and mathematical problems using numerical and algebraic expressions and equations. Learning Target I can solve linear equations with one variable and match scenarios to represent those equations

4 Writing and Matching Equation Stories
In the next activity, you will be given six equations to match up with these stories; some of these may have been simplified or written in a different form. Learning Target I can solve linear equations with one variable and match scenarios to represent those equations What does x represent in this story? What information do you have? What do you need to find out?

5 Writing and Matching Equation Stories
Write down your matches on the whiteboard. Switch/Compare: One student remains, the other student finds a new partner to discuss how your scenarios are setup. Discuss with your new partner what you did in your group. Do not change any answers until you discuss it with your original partner. Learning Target I can solve linear equations with one variable and match scenarios to represent those equations

6 Writing and Matching Equation Stories
Discuss what you learned from the other groups Decide if you need to make changes Learning Target I can solve linear equations with one variable and match scenarios to represent those equations

7 Writing and Matching Equation Stories
Learning Target I can solve linear equations with one variable and match scenarios to represent those equations

8 Writing and Matching Equation Stories
Now using your chart paper, place the slips of equations with its scenario and write the missing steps for solving each problem. Learning Target I can solve linear equations with one variable and match scenarios to represent those equations

9 Finish FAL Lesson Pre-Test

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