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MessageGrid Replay Ink: Pinpointing Student Misconceptions Roy P. Pargas Clemson University US Air Force Academy Colorado Springs, CO October 15, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "MessageGrid Replay Ink: Pinpointing Student Misconceptions Roy P. Pargas Clemson University US Air Force Academy Colorado Springs, CO October 15, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 MessageGrid Replay Ink: Pinpointing Student Misconceptions Roy P. Pargas Clemson University US Air Force Academy Colorado Springs, CO October 15, 2009

2 Where is Clemson University? October 15, 20092 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO

3 Where is Clemson University? US Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, CO October 15, 20093 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO

4 Where is Clemson University? Clemson University Clemson, South Carolina October 15, 20094 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO US Air Force Academy Colorado Springs, CO

5 Outline Advances in Technology: Tablet PCs Advances in Technology: Tablet PCs Interactivity in the Classroom Interactivity in the Classroom Tool: MessageGrid Replay Ink Tool: MessageGrid Replay Ink Features Features Assign, Collect, EvaluateAssign, Collect, Evaluate Replay, Tag, AnalyzeReplay, Tag, Analyze Current and Future Work Current and Future Work Acknowledgements Acknowledgements October 15, 20095 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO

6 October 15, 2009 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO 6 Tablet PCs and Slates Lenovo ThinkPad X Series Tablet WACOM Tablets The Opportunity HP Pavilion dv3t series

7 October 15, 2009 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO 7 Lenovo ThinkPad X Series Tablet HP Pavilion dv3t series WACOM Tablets How can instructors use Tablet PCs to advantage in and out of the classroom? How can instructors use Tablet PCs to advantage in and out of the classroom? The Challenge

8 2002 Clemson Laptop Mandate Every student is required to have a laptop computer with wireless access to the Internet Every student is required to have a laptop computer with wireless access to the Internet October 15, 20098 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO

9 The Challenge How can instructors use the laptop computers to advantage in and out of the classroom? How can instructors use the laptop computers to advantage in and out of the classroom? October 15, 20099 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO

10 Web-based software tool to help promote interactivity in the classroom Web-based software tool to help promote interactivity in the classroom Clemsons Proposed Solution: MessageGrid October 15, 200910 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO

11 Web-based Web-based Basic grid: rows and columns Basic grid: rows and columns Instructor designs grid Instructor designs grid Students post original submissions or replies to submissions Students post original submissions or replies to submissions Anything displayed by a browser Anything displayed by a browser Text, image, audio, video, animation, Ink, mapsText, image, audio, video, animation, Ink, maps Why use such a tool? Why use such a tool? Student responses to in-class exercises, presentations, online discussions, student questions, feedback from students, …Student responses to in-class exercises, presentations, online discussions, student questions, feedback from students, … Proposed Solution: MessageGrid October 15, 200911 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO

12 October 15, 2009 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO 12 MessageGrid Evolution Every semester since January 2004, more instructors use MessageGrid At semesters end, instructors discuss possible improvements Suggestions with most instructor support are implemented

13 Current MessageGrid Features Message Grid October 15, 200913 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO

14 Current MessageGrid Features Message Grid Basic Grid: Feedback/submissions from students October 15, 200914 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO

15 Current MessageGrid Features Clickers: Assessment/Polling Message Grid Basic Grid: Feedback/submissions from students October 15, 200915 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO

16 Current MessageGrid Features Clickers: Assessment/Polling Message Grid Basic Grid: Feedback/submissions from students Ink: Submitting diagrams and equations, rather than text October 15, 200916 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO

17 Current MessageGrid Features Clickers: Assessment/Polling Ink: Submitting diagrams and equations, rather than text Mobile: Images, video, audio, GPS, and text in a portable, handheld grid Message Grid Basic Grid: Feedback/submissions from students October 15, 200917 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO

18 Current MessageGrid Features Basic Grid: Feedback/submissions from students Clickers: Assessment/Polling Simple Upload/Evaluate: Rubric to facilitate evaluation of Freshman Engg labs Message Grid Ink: Submitting diagrams and equations, rather than text Mobile: Images, video, audio, GPS, and text in a portable, handheld grid October 15, 200918 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO

19 Current MessageGrid Features Basic Grid: Feedback/submissions from students (FIE 2005, ITiCSE 2006) Clickers: Assessment/Polling (SIGCSE 2006) Message Grid New! Ink: Submitting diagrams and equations, rather than text (PLT 2007, FIE 2007, FIE 2008) Mobile: Images, video, audio, GPS, and text in a portable, handheld grid Simple Upload/Evaluate: Rubric to facilitate evaluation of Freshman Engg labs October 15, 200919 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO

20 Message Grid Ink: Submitting diagrams and equations, rather than text October 15, 200920 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO Current MessageGrid Features

21 October 15, 2009 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO 21 Message Grid Ink: Pinpointing student misconceptions MessageGrid Replay Ink

22 Has MessageGrid Changed Teaching?

23 Teaching Style Studio Format (aka Mentoring, Coaching) Studio Format (aka Mentoring, Coaching) Reduced lectureReduced lecture More classroom activity/interactivityMore classroom activity/interactivity October 15, 200923 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO

24 Teaching Style Studio Format (aka Mentoring, Coaching) Studio Format (aka Mentoring, Coaching) Reduced lectureReduced lecture More classroom activity/interactivityMore classroom activity/interactivity Typical 75-minute lecture period Typical 75-minute lecture period Data structures and algorithmsData structures and algorithms 20-minute lecture, 5-minute exercise,20-minute lecture, 5-minute exercise, repeated 3 times Typical 110-minute lab period Typical 110-minute lab period 15-minute lecture, 95-minute lab exercises15-minute lecture, 95-minute lab exercises October 15, 200924 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO

25 The Sandbox October 15, 200925 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO

26 Checking Out a Tablet October 15, 200926 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO

27 Working Individually October 15, 200927 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO

28 Working Individually October 15, 200928 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO

29 Teams of Three October 15, 200929 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO

30 Teams of Two October 15, 200930 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO

31 October 15, 2009 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO 31 Tablet Use at Clemson HP Tablet PC Video

32 Tablet PCs can provide Tablet PCs can provide Final Inked solutionsFinal Inked solutions Intermediate Ink stroke sequencesIntermediate Ink stroke sequences Ink strokes can be Ink strokes can be CollectedCollected Played and replayedPlayed and replayed Tagged and analyzedTagged and analyzed Key Observation October 15, 200932 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO

33 October 15, 2009 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO 33 For example: Can provide interactivity in a data structures class (drawing graphs) For example: Can provide interactivity in a data structures class (drawing graphs) Instructor assigns exercisesInstructor assigns exercises Students submit solutionsStudents submit solutions Evaluation of solutionsEvaluation of solutions Tagging of solutionsTagging of solutions Analysis of tagsAnalysis of tags MessageGrid Replay Ink

34 October 15, 2009 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO 34 Student solutions can be Student solutions can be Reviewed: Played and replayedReviewed: Played and replayed TaggedTagged AnalyzedAnalyzed MessageGrid Replay Ink

35 March 5, 2009 Pargas and Bryfczynsski SIGCSE 2009, Chattanooga, TN 35 March 5, 2009 Pargas and Bryfczynsski SIGCSE 2009, Chattanooga, TN 35 March 5, 2009 Pargas and Bryfczynsski SIGCSE 2009, Chattanooga, TN 35 Solutions include: Solutions include: Linked listsLinked lists StacksStacks QueuesQueues Trees of all types (BST, AVL, Splay, B-Tree, binary heap, leftist heap, skew hap, binomial queue, etc.)Trees of all types (BST, AVL, Splay, B-Tree, binary heap, leftist heap, skew hap, binomial queue, etc.) Generic graphsGeneric graphs MessageGrid Replay Ink October 15, 200935 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO

36 October 15, 2009 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO 36 Goals Immediate goal Immediate goal Deliver CS2/CS7 course content more effectivelyDeliver CS2/CS7 course content more effectively Long term goal Long term goal Understand thought process of CS2/CS7 studentUnderstand thought process of CS2/CS7 student Early identification of students at riskEarly identification of students at risk

37 October 15, 2009 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO 37 MessageGrid Replay Ink

38 Problem Specifications October 15, 200938 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO

39 Sample Ink Solutions October 15, 200939 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO

40 Sample Ink Solutions All submissions attributed October 15, 200940 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO

41 Sample Ink Solutions All submissions date/time stamped October 15, 200941 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO

42 Student Submissions October 15, 200942 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO

43 Replaying Student Ink Demo Demo 1. Expression tree (correct) Expression tree (correct) Expression tree (correct) 2. Expression tree (incorrect) Expression tree (incorrect) Expression tree (incorrect) 3. Gallivanting AVL Gallivanting AVL Gallivanting AVL Tagging Tagging Analysis Analysis October 15, 200943 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO

44 Student Evaluation October 15, 200944 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO Feedback generally positive on MG Feedback generally positive on MG 1. Students like immediate feedback 2. Pinpointing mistakes helpful 3. Anonymous evaluation of student submissions Tagging has begun (SIGCSE 2010) Tagging has begun (SIGCSE 2010) Analysis of tags has begin Analysis of tags has begin

45 Four Current Projects

46 Algebra and Calculus October 15, 200946 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO 1.Transitioning through Technology: Using Digital Learning Environments in Calculus as a Collaborative Model to Advance STEM Students through Four-year Institutions, (with Marilyn Reba, Calvin Williams), 2009 Hewlett-Packard Innovations in Education Grant 2.Mathematics Partnering with Computer Science to Improve Calculus Instruction and Learning, (with Calvin L. Williams, Marilyn Reba, National Science Foundation CCLI Type 2 (2008 NSF CCLI-2) 3.Mobile Instructional Technology for Integrating Classroom and Laboratory Activities for STEM Students (MITICLASS), (with Marilyn Reba, Calvin Williams, and Lisa Benson), 2007 Hewlett-Packard Technology for Teaching Leadership Grant

47 October 15, 2009 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO 47 1.CU Thinking, (with Lisa C. Benson, David Bowman, Michelle P. Cook), National Science Foundation Innovations in Engineering Education Curriculum, and Infrastructure (NSF IEECI) 2.Mobile Instructional Technology for Integrating Classroom and Laboratory Activities for STEM Students (MITICLASS), (with Marilyn Reba, Calvin Williams, and Lisa Benson), 2007 Hewlett-Packard Technology for Teaching Leadership Grant Freshman Engineering

48 October 15, 2009 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO 48 1.OrganicPad: A Tablet PC-Based Interactivity Tool for Organic Chemistry, (with Melanie M. Cooper and Calvin L. Williams), National Science Foundation Alternative Learning Technologies (NSF ALT). 2.OrganicPad: A Tablet PC-Based Interactivity Tool for Teaching Chemistry, Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation 2009 Special Grant Program in the Chemical Science, (with Melanie M. Cooper). Organic Chemistry

49 Generic Tools: Nursing, English, Psychology, etc. October 15, 200949 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO 1."Mobile Instructional Technology for Integrating Classroom and Laboratory Activities for STEM Students (MITICLASS), (with Marilyn Reba, Calvin Williams, and Lisa Benson), 2007 Hewlett-Packard Technology for Teaching Leadership Grant 2.Development of a Targeted Tablet PC Software Development Course, 2004 Microsoft Research Tablet PC and Computing Curriculum Grant 3.Development of a Network Applications Course Using Microsoft.NET, SQL Server, and IIS, 2003 Microsoft Curriculum and Content Development Grant

50 Current / Future Work Fall 2009, Spring 2010 Fall 2009, Spring 2010 Tagging existing student submissionsTagging existing student submissions Collecting and tagging additional solutionsCollecting and tagging additional solutions Analysis of tagsAnalysis of tags Summer 2010 Summer 2010 Continuing analysis of tagsContinuing analysis of tags Fall 2010 Fall 2010 Reports, reports, reports!Reports, reports, reports! October 15, 200950 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO

51 Thank You for Your Kind Attention! Go Falcons! October 15, 200951 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO

52 Where is Clemson University? Clemson University Clemson, South Carolina October 15, 200952 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO US Air Force Academy Colorado Springs, CO

53 Extra Slides

54 October 15, 200954 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO

55 October 15, 200955 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO

56 October 15, 200956 Roy Pargas, Current Research USAFA 2009, Colorado Springs, CO

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