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Sophomore Parent Orientation

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1 Sophomore Parent Orientation
August 14, 2018

2 Introductions Opening Prayer Mrs. Mary Lang – President
Mrs. Theresa Schuhmann– Dean of Studies Mrs. Beth Hicks– Sophomore Counselor Mrs. Cindi Baughman – Dean of Students Dr. Jenny Schiller – Retreat Director Mrs. Katelyn Moore – ACTS Coordinator Closing Prayer

3 Opening Prayer Adapted from Marianne Williamson, Illuminata
Dear God, Show me the light at the center of my sisters and brothers.  Show me the light at the center of myself Show me the light at the center of the world Where I see guilt, show me innocence. Where I focus on mistakes, show me how to focus on efforts at good. Help me have faith in the goodness of others. Help me have faith in Your spirit within me. Thus may darkness be cast out. May I cleave to the light that is in my heart. This is my prayer. May I see light in everyone. Amen.

4 Academic Advising Academic advising by Deans of Studies
Mrs. Fieldhouse:  A – K Mrs. Schuhmann: L – Z Partner with the guidance counselor to stay with your daughter all four years in areas of life, college and career. PreACT on testing day Wednesday, October 10th for all Sophomores PSAT for students in AP, Advanced and Honors I English and any other student by request (will require students to take the PreAct on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6)  Course selection in February—please attend the Sophomore/Junior College and Registration Night on Thursday, January 17, 2019  PowerSchool Parent log-in Information If HSPT

5 Sophomore Guidance Counselor - Beth Hicks for Kristin Walsh
It’s a girl! Individual check in with every student each semester starting next week In addition to checking in on transitional and emotional issues, we will also discuss the following: Getting involved at Assumption   Last year’s standardized test scores Naviance – they will have Naviance “homework” to show you from their meeting with me  Follow Guidance Department on Facebook and Twitter Facebook: Assumption Guidance Parent Page

6 Beth Hicks & guidance counselor Cindi Baughman dean of students
Sophomore Year = A Bridge Year

7 Sophomore Year = A Bridge Year
 Under Construction  Pardon our Mess

8 Sophomore Year = A Bridge Year
  High Points    and Bright     Spots Bridging the Gap

9 Sophomore Retreat – Jenny Schiller
CrossRoads – Follow Me Other schools participating Journals Role of Parents Preparation for ACTS second semester




13 ACTS - Mrs. Katelyn Moore
Ext. 2597 Student OneNote Campus Ministry folder in Sharepoint also contains ACTS Information ACTS 11 visits over 10 weeks during school hours Same agency One Agency based on parent and student questionnaire. x2Vol site that tracks volunteer hours through Naviance, I will teach them to use it and it includes all your daughter does in High School and will enable us to maintain more accurate records to use for college and scholarship applications.

14 ACTS - reminders Second Semester – January 16 through March 20
Help your daughter’s attendance by honoring these Wednesdays. Application and Parent Insight Purchase uniform pants at Shaheen’s by October and have monogrammed by November at the latest TB tests will be given at school for all sophomores in November They must make up the hours if they miss Wednesday ACTS days. It is part of their curriculum and learning for this important year.

15 Prayer and response revised from A Woman's Book of Confidence by Sue Patton Thoele:
Leader: Opening ourselves to service for others is a beautiful pattern we weave into our safety nets. Lending a hand and an empathetic ear can be a tremendous heart-lift not only to the person in need, but also to the person serving. All: I pray for my daughter in her growth in supporting others. Leader: By opening ourselves to the needs of others we often find we are "in the flow" where opportunities to be helpful present themselves in most serendipitous ways. All: I pray for my daughter to be open to this experience.

16 Leader: The most important door we can open in our desire to be service-full is the one to our own hearts. Loving and accepting others in a genuinely heart-felt way opens our hearts to others as well. All: I pray that my daughter may open her heart to the experience of service and accept opportunities to act as the arms of God. Leader: We lift these prayers for these young women of Mercy in the name of Jesus Christ, our lord. All: Amen

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