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Color Theory Projects.

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Presentation on theme: "Color Theory Projects."— Presentation transcript:

1 Color Theory Projects

2 Comes and Goes by Jean Dubuffet as interpreted by Mercedes Johnson

3 Tree of Life by Gustav Klimt as interpreted by Bell Johnson

4 The Scream by Edward Munch as interpreted by Christa Parrie

5 American Gothic by Grant Wood as interpreted by Halie McComic

6 Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh as interpreted by Madison Ebarb

7 Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer by Gustav Klimt as interpreted by Robert Garcie

8 Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh as interpreted by Holden Rivers

9 Girl Before a Mirror by Pablo Picasso as interpreted by Paige Simpson

10 Tree of Life by Gustav Klimt as interpreted by Madeline Procell

11 Vase With Twelve Sunflowers by Vincent Van Gogh as interpreted by Brandon Escott

12 The Scream by Edward Munch as interpreted by Osheane Brown

13 Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci as interpreted by Happy Dooley

14 Comes and Goes by Jean Dubuffet as interpreted by Kierra McFarland

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