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Opening Prayer.

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1 Opening Prayer

2 With Your Parents!!!! Come up with two specific ways that you can live your life as “the New Man.” Do something this week as an expression of the new life the Spirit leads you to live and be prepared to share what you did with the class.

3 Test 14

4 Session Confession

5 Vocabulary absolution forgiveness confession
say we are sinful and need forgiveness; a statement of faith confidential secret

6 Vocabulary discipline punishment in order to correct or train divine
of God; having to do with God excommunication to "cut off" or exclude

7 Vocabulary negligent don't do what you should office
position; authority proclamation to tell; make known

8 Vocabulary repentant someone who is sorry for his/her sins unrepentant
not sorry for sins

9 Memory # John 1:8-9 If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

10 Memory #898 1 Peter 2:9 You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

11 Memory #902 Acts 16:31 Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved

12 261 What is the first part of confession?
confess or admit our sins 262 What sins should we confess before God? ALL sins 264 *Why would you want to go to your Pastor for private confession? To hear someone assure us of forgiveness for Jesus' sake.

13 265 What is the second part of confession?
Absolution 266 How should we receive the Absolution spoken by the Pastor? As though God Himself were speaking it.

14 267 How can you know the Pastor will not reveal what is said to him in private confession?
Pastor promises not to discuss what told him in confidence. 268 What is the benefit of private confession? You are absolved of each individual sin confessed.

15 269 What special authority has Christ given to His church?
the power to forgive or withhold forgiveness 270 Why is this authority called the Office of the Keys? it works like the keys to open or close heaven by forgiving or not forgiving.

16 What words in Matthew 18:18 mean "to NOT forgive sins"?
bind, bound What words in Matthew 18:18 mean "to forgive sins"? loose, loosed

17 271 How is the Office of the Keys related to the proclamation of the Gospel?
Way to apply the Gospel to individuals 272 Who is to be forgiven by the church? those who repent and ask for forgiveness

18 273 Who receives the forgiveness in absolution
Only repentant believers 274 What is a repentant believer? those who are sorry for their sins and believe in Jesus 275 Who is not to be forgiven Unrepentant sinners

19 277 How does the Church publicly exercise the Office of the Keys?
Through the Pastor 279 *How should you deal with an unrepentant sinner? In patience and love

20 280*If a person refuses to repent, what must the congregation do?
Excommunicate that person 283 What is the purpose of excommunication? To lead the sinners to repentance

21 284 What is the duty of a congregation toward an excommunicated sinner who repents?
Forgive, welcome back

22 Who has the power to forgive sins?
God Who has He given it to? Church Who do they give it to? Pastor

23 With Your Parents!!!! Share James 5:16 with your parents. Confess your sins them so they can assure you of God’s forgiveness. Then switch roles, and you assure your parents that God forgives them all sins for Jesus’ sake.

24 With Your Parents!!!! Talk with your parents about excommunication. What do they think of when they hear that word? Be sure to share the definition and purpose of excommunication that we spoke of in class!

25 Closing Prayer

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