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Sea Horse & Bread Mold.

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1 Sea Horse & Bread Mold

2 Bread Mold Bread Mold is a widely distributed thread-like mucoralean mold. Commonly found on bread surfaces, it takes food and nutrients from the bread and causes damage to the surface where it lives. Bread Mold is a heterothallic species, in that sexual reproduction happens only when opposite mating types (designated + and -) come in contact. Carbohydrate-rich foods that are exposed to air often develop masses of bread mold which is a serious pest to stored vegetables and fruits.

3 Sea Horse The Seahorse lives worldwide along coastal areas that have sea grass beds, mangroves, or coral reefs. Male seahorses are often more colorful, more aggressive and more vocal than females. Instead of the female, it is the male that becomes pregnant and gives birth. Males are very competitive for females.

4 Reproductive Strategies
Bread Mold reproduces asexually while Seahorses reproduce sexual. Bread Mold Reproduction Seahorse Reproduction

5 Differences There are only two differences.
The bread mold is a fungi and the seahorse is a mammal. The seahorse reproduces sexually and the bread mold reproduces asexually.

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