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Methodology of the Biological approach

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Presentation on theme: "Methodology of the Biological approach"— Presentation transcript:

1 Methodology of the Biological approach

2 Biological approach Two types of methodology Animal experiments
Twin studies

3 Animal Studies In which approach did we come across this method before? ________________________ Which study in the biological approach used this method? ___________ The behaviourist approach Selye (1936)

4 Animal Studies: strengths and weaknesses
Divide into two teams You will have 5 minutes to write down as many strengths and weaknesses of animal experiments as you can think of Write them down on a post it note and stick on the board. The team with the most correct answers wins! Do not use your notes!

5 Animal Studies: strengths and weaknesses
Team 1 Team 2

6 Animal studies Why are animals studies used in the biological approach? Think about the assumptions of the approach With a partner, come up with an answer to this question that is no longer than 3 sentences

7 Twin Studies What are the two types of twins? How are they formed?
Monozygotic Dizygotic

8 Example of a Twin Study Bouchard and McGue (1981)
Studied the inheritance of IQ What is IQ? They compared the IQ scores of different types of twins who were reared together and separately. They were looking for the genetic basis of IQ by using concordance rates

9 Bouchard and McGue (1981) Concordance rate A score from 0-100%
The higher the concordance, the more similar the two scores are E.g. 100% would be identical scores 0% would be completely unrelated

10 Bouchard and McGue (1981) RELATIONSHIP IQ TEST CORRELATION 86% 72% 60%

11 Bouchard and McGue (1981) What can we conclude from these results about the effect of genes on IQ?

12 Twin studies Why are twin studies used in the biological approach?
Think about the assumptions of the approach With a partner, come up with an answer to this question that is no longer than 3 sentences

13 Timed essay Explain and evaluate the methodology used by the biological approach (12) What is the methodology? Give an example Two strengths Two weaknesses REPEAT!

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