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Globalization of Culture and Economy

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1 Globalization of Culture and Economy
Ap human geography Nature and perspectives unit

2 For today, 09/12 1.) Turn in your McDonald’s homework to the tray
2.) Go to, click “Student Login” and join room Complete the activity.

3 Globalization of the Economy
* Every place in the world is part of the global economy, but globalization has led to more specialization at the local level. Each place plays a distinctive role based on its local assets - Think about your clothes… * Transnational Corporation: conducts research, operates factories, and sells products in many countries, not just where its headquarters are located.

4 Largest Transnational Corps
Largest Transnational Corps., Rankings by sales, profits, assets, and market values Berkshire Hathaway, US ING Group, Netherlands Toyota, Japan BP, UK Royal Dutch Shell, Netherlands Exxon Mobile, US JP Morgan, US Bank of America, US GE, US HSBC Holdings, UK Source: Forbes


6 Globalization of Culture
* Increasingly uniform cultural preferences Food Retail chains Leisure Beliefs

7 Toronto, Canada San Francisco, USA Singapore, Singapore Hong Kong, SAR (China)

8 Starbucks Analysis: due Wednesday, 9/17
Read the article about Starbucks and type a thorough response to these questions: (1.) In what two ways does Starbucks serve as a an example of globalization? (2.) What is monoculture? Do you think it actually exists?

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