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Follow-up on Damping Ring design
CLIC Technical Comittee Follow-up on Damping Ring design Yannis PAPAPHILIPPOU March 9th, 2010
DR parameters and challenges
High-bunch density Emittance dominated by Intrabeam Scattering, driving energy, lattice, wiggler technology choice and alignment tolerances Electron cloud in e+ ring imposes chamber coatings and efficient photon absorption Fast Ion Instability in the e- ring necessitates low vacuum pressure Space charge sets energy, circumference limits Repetition rate and bunch structure Fast damping achieved with wigglers RF frequency reduction considered due to many 2GHz (power source, high peak and average current) Output emittance stability Tight jitter tolerance driving kicker technology Positron beam dimensions from source Pre-damping ring challenges (energy acceptance, dynamic aperture) solved with lattice design Target Parameters NLC CLIC bunch population (109) 7.5 4.1 bunch spacing [ns] 1.4 0.5 number of bunches/train 192 312 number of trains 3 1 Repetition rate [Hz] 120 50 Ext. hor. norm. emittance [nm] 2370 <500 Ext. ver. norm. emittance [nm] <30 <5 Ext. long. norm. emittance [keV.m] 10.9 <4 Inj. hor. norm. emittance [μm] 150 63 Inj. ver. norm. emittance [μm] 1.5 Inj. long. norm. emittance [keV.m] 13.18 1240 Design Parameters CLIC Energy [GeV] 2.86 Circumference [m] 493.2 Energy loss/turn [Me] 5.8 RF voltage [MV] 7.4 Compaction factor 6e-5 Damping time x / s [ms] 1.6 / 0.8 Number of arc cells / wigglers 100/76 Dipole/ wiggler field [T] 1.4/2.5
Schematic layout e- Damping Ring e+ Damping Ring e- Pre-damping Ring
PDR design F. Antoniou, CLIC09 Injected Parameters e- e+ Bunch population [109] 4.4 6.4 Bunch length [mm] 1 10 Energy Spread [%] 0.1 8 Hor.,Ver Norm. emittance [nm] 100 x 103 7 x 106 Main challenge: Large input emittances especially for positrons to be damped by several orders of magnitude (large energy acceptance and dynamic aperture) Fast damping achieved with conventional hybrid PM wigglers (PETRA III) No major technological challenges apart from RF system (as for the DR), extraction kickers (relaxed tolerance but still challenging) and maybe vacuum technology (coatings) Y.P., 09/03/2010 CTC
DR layout Racetrack shape with
S. Sinyatkin, et al., LER 2010 Racetrack shape with 96 TME arc cells (4 half cells for dispersion suppression) 38 Damping wiggler FODO cells in the long straight sections (LSS) Space reserved upstream the LSS for injection/extraction elements and RF cavities Y.P., 09/03/2010 CTC
Arc cell magnets S. Sinyatkin, et al., LER 2010 2.36m-long TME cell with bends including small gradient (as in NLC DR and ATF) Drift space and magnet lengths rationalised Preliminary design of main magnets already available Y.P., 09/03/2010 CTC 6
Power supplies Power estimated as magnet design not yet fully available Mostly conventional parameters Y.P., 09/03/2010 CTC 7
Wigglers’ effect with IBS
Stronger wiggler fields and shorter wavelengths necessary to reach target emittance due to strong IBS effect Current density can be increased by different conductor type Nb3Sn can sustain higher heat load (potentially 10 times higher than NbTi) Two wiggler prototypes 2.5T, 5cm period, built and currently tested by BINP 2.8T, 4cm period, designed by CERN/Un. Karlsruhe Mock-ups built and magnetically tested Prototypes to be installed in a storage ring (ANKA, CESR-TA, ATF, ALBA) for beam measurements Nb3Sn SC wiggler NbTi SC BINP PM Parameters BINP CERN Bpeak [T] 2.5 2.8 λW [mm] 50 40 Beam aperture full gap [mm] 13 Conductor type NbTi Nb3Sn Operating temperature [K] 4.2
Permanent magnet performance
Pure permanent magnet not able to reach very high field (i.e. 1.2T for Sm2Co17) Pole concentrators used (e.g. vanadium permendur) to enhance pole field to a max value of 2.3T Not more than 1.1T reached for 40mm period and 14mm gap Higher field of 1.8T reached for 100mm period Max field of 2.3T can be reached for a gap/period ratio of ~0.1, (140mm period for 14mm gap) In that case, output emittance gets more than doubled (>800nm) In order to reach target DR performance, number of wigglers has to be increased by more than a factor of 2, i.e. ~40% of ring circumference increase Only way to reach high field for high gap/period ratio is by using super-conducting wigglers Simulations by P. Vobly Scaling by Halbach
Wiggler short prototypes
CERN BINP Regular coil Corrector coils with individual PS Iron yoke End coils to compensate the first and the second integral Y.P., 09/03/2010 CTC
BINP NbTi Wiggler Present design uses NbTi wet wire in separate poles clamped together Wire wound and impregnated with resin and prototype assembled including corrector coil and quench protection system by spring 2009 Field measurements in June showing poor performance (reaching 420 instead of 660A) due to mechanical stability problems (GFP separators) Magnet delivered at CERN for further measurements and verification New design under evaluation by BINP and CERN magnet experts
CERN prototype with NbTi wire
50 mm period 40 mm period R. Maccaferi et al. Crash test program at CERN with 40mm mock-up using NbTi wire Reached peak field of 2.5T at 1.9K (2T at 4.2K) Current density extrapolated to 50mm, provides more than 2.5T field Currently continuing with Nb3Sn winding tests and first results expected during this summer
Collective effects in the DR
G. Rumolo Electron cloud in the e+ DR imposes limits in PEY (99.9% of synchrotron radiation absorbed in the wigglers) and SEY (below 1.3) Cured with special chamber coatings Fast ion instability in e- DR, molecules with A>13 will be trapped (constrains vacuum pressure to around 0.1nTorr) Other collective effects in DR Space charge (large vertical tune spread of 0.19 and 10% emittance growth) Single bunch instabilities avoided with smooth impedance design (a few Ohms in longitudinal and MOhms in transverse are acceptable for stability) Resistive wall coupled bunch controlled with feedback (100s of turns rise time) Chambers PEY SEY ρ [1012 e-/m3] Dipole 1.3 0.04 1.8 2 0.0576 7 40 Wiggler 0.6 0.109 45 1.5 70 80 ρwig = 5x1012 m-3, ρdip = 3x1011 m-3 Y.P., 09/03/2010 CTC 13
Coatings for e- Cloud Mitigation
M. Taborelli LER2010 Amorphous carbon coating showed reduction of e-cloud activity in CESRTA (better than any other coating) Continue coating characterization with additional chambers Understand photo-emission yield and pressure curves (work also in the SPS) Identify collaborations in light source community for chamber tests (SOLEIL, ALBA) bare Al CESRTA e+ TiN TiN new a-C CERN
DR radiation parameters
Synchrotron radiation DR radiation parameters PDR DR Power per dipole [kW] 3.3 1.2 Power per wiggler [kW] 15.2 16.1 Total power [MW] 0.7 1.3 Critical energy for dipole [keV] 16.0 19.0 Critical energy for wiggler [keV] 9.3 13.6 Radiation opening angle [mrad] 0.11 Synchrotron radiation power from bending magnets and wigglers Critical energy for dipoles and wigglers Radiation opening angle 90% of radiation power coming from the 76 SC wigglers Design of an absorption system is necessary and critical to protect machine components and wigglers against quench Radiation absorption equally important for PDR (but less critical, i.e. similar to light sources) Y.P., 09/03/2010 CTC
Radiation absorption scheme
A 4-wigglers scheme Gap of 13mm (10W/m) Combination of collimators and absorbers (similar to PETRAIII) Terminal absorber at the end of the straight section (10kW) K. Zolotarev, CLIC09 16
RF system RF frequency of 2GHz
R&D needed for power source High peak and average power of 6.6 and 0.6MW Strong beam loading transient effects Beam power of 6.6MW during 156 ns, no beam during other 1488 ns Small stored energy at 2 GHz Wake-fields and HOM damping should be considered 1GHz frequency being evaluated (2 trains with 1ns bunch spacing) Easier extrapolation from existing designs (e.g. NLC) Lowering peak current and thus transient beam loading Delay line for train recombination (CTF3 experience) A. Grudiev, CLIC08 CLIC DR parameters Circumference [m] 493.2 Energy [GeV] 2.86 Momentum compaction 0.6x10-4 Energy loss per turn[MeV] 5.9 Maximum RF voltage [MV] 7.4 RF frequency [GHz] 2.0 Decision on RF frequency by end of March 2010 Conceptual design including HOM damping to be done for CDR (external collaboration)
Kicker stability M. Barnes CLIC09 Kicker jitter translated in beam jitter in IP, withσjit ≤0.1σx Tolerance typically ~10-4 Double kicker system relaxes requirement, i.e. ~3.3 reduction Striplines required for achieving low longitudinal coupling impedance Significant R&D needed for PFL (or alternative), switch, transmission cable, feedthroughs, stripline, terminator (PhD thesis student at CERN) Should profit from collaboration with ILC and light source community Y.P., 09/03/2010 CTC
Alignement M. Boege, LER2010 Present tolerances not far away from ones achieved in actual storage rings SLS achieved 2.8pm emittance DIAMOND claim 2.2pm and ASP quoting 1-2pm (pending direct beam size measurements) Participate in low emittance tuning measurements in light sources (SLS) and CESR-TA Y.P., 09/03/2010 CTC
Technology issues beyond CDR
Detailed magnet design and wiggler measurements Instrumentation Measurement of very low vertical emittance (beam sizes of a few microns) quite challenging, especially in a bunch-by-bunch mode for wide dynamic range Cryogenics Does not seem a problem but wiggler technology and performance depends on it Timing stability tolerances Need to evaluate phase jitter (LLRF system) Detailed vacuum chamber design Impedance, implications of “cold” vacuum chambers Girders, vibrations and stabilisation Feedback system Especially challenging in bunch-by-bunch mode at 2GHz CLIC machine protection using the DR (or PDR) Blow-up (orbit, coupling, kickers?) for dumping a “safe” beam Y.P., 09/03/2010 CTC
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