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Other Sources of Information

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1 Other Sources of Information
Module 5 Section 3

2 Credit Bureaus Provide a central storehouse of information used to evaluate applicants for credit Data supplied by banks, stores, and other businesses Public records - lawsuits, liens, bankruptcies

3 Regulation of Credit Bureaus
Regulated by federal government Fair credit reporting act Can give information to employers, government, and insurance companies, and those who need it for legitimate purposes involving customer

4 Proposed Changes Legal right to get a copy of their own report for free, and a list of those who have requested it Prohibit employers from obtaining reports without person’s permission or at all except for special kinds of jobs

5 Medical Records Data is personal and sensitive
Used for marketing purposes Hard to restrict due to varying laws in different states Insurance benefits require that we tell all

6 Medical Information Bureau
Non profit organization Founded by insurance companies Deter insurance fraud Collect information

7 Privacy and Proposals for Health Care Reform
Creation of government database containing health and personal info Requirement that a report on every medical visit be sent to a national network Requirement for national ID card

8 Benefits of Reform Access to information when traveling
Ease of researchers to get information Cheaper record systems Provide better privacy protection than private health care providers

9 Problems with Reform Threat to privacy
Abuse of information made possible by large databases and ID cards Errors could prevent medical care Easier access by law enforcement SSN is used as identifier - broad use

10 Technical and Management Protections
Each authorized user has unique ID code and password Restrict operations of different users in areas where they do not need to go Use audit trail to track usage by workers Computer records reduce handling and potential reading

11 Privacy and Junk Mail Arguments for: Arguments against:
Reduces overhead, and therefore cost of products People buy or it would stop Population too large to cater to everyone’s individual desires Arguments against: Inconvenient intrusion on daily lives No consent to whom the information is sold

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