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Presentation on theme: "Symbolism."— Presentation transcript:

1 symbolism

2 Bell ringer Week # 2 ; Day 4

3 Silent Reading C- level 0 voice H- raise hand and wait for teacher A- read your independent reading selection and/or return & check out a new book M- remain seated except when checking out or returning reading material P- eyes moving across page, pages turning, recording Running Reading Record & Annotated Booklist as needed S- 15 minutes & 5 minutes to write “Say Something”



6 epigram “The only thing to do with good advise is to pass it on. It is never of any good to oneself.”

7 Tonight’s Homework: Get started on new Acieve3000 article “Found: New Words from Dr. King”. Helping and Linking Verb Sheet Graph/Gram graphic organizer *Study Helping Verbs *Study Word Parts flashcards *Read toward 650 total page goal *Take notes for Story Quilt Book Report

8 A day November 14th & 15th Materials: Composition book Binder Novel
Action Verb sheet Finished “bio” tree and “vid/vis” eyeball graphic org. LATE--- signed reading letters? flashcards? Plural Spelling Sheets? Historical Fiction Book approved? Achieve: “Is It Time to Raise the Pay?”/ “Women Who Led the Way”/ “Ask the Bot” (summarize/thought question)

9 Near Future homework: Recite helping verbs by Thursday Nov.17th (B day) & Friday 18th (A day) Achieve3000 “Found: New Words from Dr. King” due next Monday Nov. 21st (B day) / Nov. 22nd Tuesday (A day) Distant Future Book Reports due Jan. 9th (A day ) and 10th (B day) Final Word Parts Quiz Jan. 5th (A day) and 6th ( B day) Annotated Book List Jan. 9th (A day) and 10th (B day) –must have logged 650 pages Remember graphic novels do not count for as many pages Raina Telgemeier books count as 1/3 of the total pages Dork Diaries count as ¾ of total pages **See me if you have a question about this


11 babushka Can mean grandmother in Russian, but also can be a scarf.

12 challah

13 huppa

14 kulich

15 Think about important objects in the story and what they mean.
Why are they are important to the story. What do they represent?

16 Abstract Intangible Concrete Tangible symbolism


18 Quilt- what did it represent?
Gold – wealth Flower – love Salt- so their lives would have flavor

19 What do you think symbolism is. Can you Give an example
What do you think symbolism is? Can you Give an example? Why do you think writer’s use symbolism?

20 concrete abstract

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