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You might have a BAD poster if…

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Presentation on theme: "You might have a BAD poster if…"— Presentation transcript:

1 You might have a BAD poster if…
A PSA from four PHD students who have been there…

2 1. your poster is CUT & PASTED from a PAPER

3 2. if your poster is in 12-point font
If it doesn’t fit, you must SHORTEN IT!!!

4 3. If your poster has more EQUATIONS than WORDS OR FIGURES
Equations should be explained with terms identified

5 4. If a passing observer can’t find ABSTRACT and RESULTS at a glance

6 5. If YOU can’t find what you’re talking about on your own poster

7 6. If your poster contains COMIC SANS
My work is a joke!!

8 7. If your poster contains CLIP ART

9 Minimize jargon, especially in titles
8. If your poster is comprehensible only to your direct colleagues/subfield Minimize jargon, especially in titles

10 9. If you are not at your poster for, at the VERY VERY LEAST, the full session you are listed for

11 10. If you are wearing a torn undershirt, tuxedo, an evening gown, etc…

12 DO Start from the beginning when presenting
For a relatively GENERAL AUDIENCE poster session (like this), do put your work in context Grand motivation Your sub-field It’s OK if your results are a small part of the poster, as long as it’s clear that they are YOUR RESULTS have your contact information Do it in PICTURES … if that doesn’t work, do it in WORDS … if that doesn’t work, do it in EQUATIONS … if that doesn’t work, do it in MIME remember that people LIKE TO HEAR WHAT THEY ALREADY KNOW! have white papers/copies of the poster/preprints in a professional conference

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