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Next Generation Data Synchronization

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Presentation on theme: "Next Generation Data Synchronization"— Presentation transcript:

1 Next Generation Data Synchronization
Hello all. Welcome to a focused session on next generation data synchronization experience in Release 5.0.

2 Agenda for the Webinar Synchronisation Do’s and Don’ts. Q&A session.
Introduction Entire procedure of creating rules i.e. Server rule and Client rule On-Demand Data Synchronisation Master Data Synchronisation Deleted Transaction Synchronisation Selected Voucher Type Synchronisation Synchronize After Save Multiple Rule Synchronisation Export / Import Snapshot Do’s and Don’ts. Q&A session.

3 Introduction Seamless exchange of information across Multiple Locations Simple, Secure & Reliable way to consolidate data across locations Ease in making effective business decisions Exchange Information WITHOUT being connected Seamless sharing of business data as and when required NO NEED to be simultaneously connected (SEAMLESS EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION ACROSS MULTIPLE LOCATIONS) In today’s information-driven business scenario, being connected with all business locations for exchange of information is essential for any business. As such every businessman would want to ensure that there’s a simple, secure and reliable way to consolidate & disseminate information across locations so as to monitor, react and make effective decisions in a competitive environment. (EXCHANGE INFORMATION WIHTOUT BEING CONNECTED) Multiple systems synchronization to one has severe performance hurdles; also it is practically not always possible for both the systems to be online at the same time. As such it is a common business requirement to have an advanced capability of seamlessly sharing data across locations as and when required without having to be simultaneously connected (CENTRALLY MANAGED MASTERS) In order to prevent duplication of masters, every businessman would want to ensure that masters are created only by a few people and at one or more decided locations. Centrally Manage Masters Masters created by few people at one or more decided locations  Prevent duplication

4 On-Demand Synchronization
Bangalore Branch Jakarta Branch Purchase recorded Payment received Dubai Branch Dhaka Branch Take the case of a growing international business. The company has its head office in Bangalore and branch offices are located in other states and countries. Now, transactions of sales, purchases, payments and inventory are being constantly recorded across branches and consolidation of all these at head office is a common practice. With branches located in different places and even across geographical boundaries, the business man would need to take so much trouble aligning schedules of all offices so that they are connected to synchronize business data. Furthermore, simultaneously connected synchronization leads to performance issues with people waiting in queue. With “On-Demand Synchronization” feature of Tally.ERP 9 release 5.0, this trouble is now over! You can now enjoy multi-point synchronization; efficiently and seamlessly. Let us see how …. Items sold Accounting master altered Malaysia Branch Payments made

5 On-Demand Synchronization
Synchronize EVEN if systems are NOT connected to the Internet at the same time Possible because User X Pushes data to be sent to “User Y” Acts as the “store and forward server” Tally Software Service (TSS) User Y Pulls pending data available Release 5.0 brings along with it the capability of “On-Demand Synchronization”. i.e. synchronization across two or more instances of Tally, EVEN IF they are NOT connected to the Internet at the same time. This is possible because Tally Software Service (TSS) now acts as a “store and forward server”. Whenever a user X wants to synchronize with another user Y, the data simply goes to TSS, and is stored there. When the target user Y comes online, the data is automatically pushed to Y. At the same time, if user Y has pushed some data for X – and it is waiting in TSS – the data is pushed to X immediately. Therefore, there is absolutely NO DEPENDENCY on the other user’s connectivity status, and following STRICT SCHEDULES – giving tremendous CONVENIENCE to all users. This gives another major benefit  Multiple users or branches can sync without any performance hurdles – because now, it is not necessary to sync at the same time Let us see this in action…… [Go to Tally] As a result NO DEPENDENCY on other users’ connectivity status Multiple use CAN sync WITHOUT performance issues

6 Product Walkthrough.. Let us see how Release 5.0 addresses all these requirements – and makes Data Synchronization SIMPLE!!

7 On-Demand Synchronization
HIGHLIGHTS: Simple Set-up Create Sync Rules Start your data sync in minutes! NO DEPENDENCY on other’s connectivity status Tally.ERP 9 NEED NOT be running in both systems! User can sync at his OWN PREFERRED TIME! Flexibility and Convenience Multi-Point synchronization  EFFICIENT and SEAMLESS No Performance Issues! As you saw in the demo, creating the sync rules and synchronizing data was so SIMPLE! You can get started in MINUTES! For data synchronization to happen, 2 systems NEED NOT connect at the same time. A user can sync at his own preferred time. Whenever the other user comes online, he will get the sync’d data. There is no DEPENDENCY on each other’s connectivity status. This gives tremendous CONVENIENCE to everyone.

8 Master Data Synchronization
Consistency and Uniformity in master creation and distribution Now let us take up another prominent feature of Next Gen Data Synchronization – Master Data Sync. Release 5.0 brings along with it the robust mechanism of Master data synchronization so as to ensure consistency and uniformity in the masters maintained in both the Client (branch) and Server (HO) systems. This will avoid the creation of multiple ledger accounts for the same account head or party, and make reporting, tax compliance and controls extremely effective and easy. Let us see how EFFICIENTLY and SEAMLESSLY the consistent propagation of masters is handled by Tally…. [Go to Tally]

9 Master Data Synchronization
HIGHLIGHTS: Masters created/ altered centrally  will get sync’d with branches Prevent duplication and bring control  No multiple ledgers for same account head Change in masters also get sync’d Reporting and tax compliances  accurate Master data created at the Head Office will be automatically sync’d with all branches – whenever the HO syncs with the branches. Therefore, a customer can restrict Master creation to only the HO – and block this at the branches (using Security control) – and then keep synching masters created at the HO. This will prevent duplication and bring in control  You will not find multiple Ledger accounts for the same ledger  All reports will appear just the way the Customer wants. Also, any changes made to the masters Master – at HO – will also get sync’d!! So, the Customer need not worry about making changes!! This will give tremendous peace of mind to all Users!!

10 Deleted Transaction Sync
No manual intervention needed Finally, we turn our attention to deleted transaction sync. With release 5.0 deleted vouchers can be sync’d, just as cancelled transactions are sync’d. If a voucher is deleted at the branch offices, the correspondent effect will be automatically reflected in the central system. Neither will the synchronization rule break and nor will the branch offices be required to create new rule for data synchronization. Let’s see this in action…. [Go to Tally]

11 Deleted Transaction Sync
As shown in the demo, deletion of vouchers will get sync’d – just like cancelled vouchers  Because of this, data in the Server will match data in the Client EXACTLY. No manual intervention is required to sync deletion of vouchers. Now, a Customer can be assured that data at all his locations will ALWAYS MATCH data at his HO!! HIGHLIGHTS: Exact mirroring of data on both sides No manual intervention needed for sync of deleted vouchers

12 Multi Units - Selected Voucher Type Synchronisation

13 Multi Units - Selected Voucher Type Synchronisation

14 Data Synchronisation Reports
Sync Status Report Sync Exception Report Displays the list of sync that has happened Sync rule used Sync date Sync Mode Sync Status Displays the list of sync that has failed along with the reason for failure Taly.ERP 9 release 5.0 brings along with it a couple of reporting supports for data synchronization. <SYNC STATUS> This particular report will show you the list of all data synchronization that has happened along with their respective set of details and sync status like the sync rule used (master or transaction), the date on which the sync has happened, the mode of sync i.e. whether online or on-demand (offline) and the sync status. In case of transactions sync, transaction ids will be given. <SYNC EXCEPTION> This is the second report that features the list of synchronizations that have failed along with the reason for failure. [Go to Tally]

15 Do’s and Don’ts Don’ts Do’s Backup and restore F11 features
Financial year Security Control Internet connectivity subscription Same Tally release Do’s and Don’ts

16 Summary Computers that sync need not be connected at the same time
Efficient and Seamless multi-point synchronization No Performance Issues Data consolidation and dissemination WITH great ease Master Sync brings several new business benefits Consistency & Control Name changes will get updated & propagated Deleted transaction sync Manual intervention NO LONGER REQUIRED Greater reliability of Data Sync In a nutshell, Release 5.0 has massively simplified the way data synchronization is done in Tally. (COMPUTERS THAT SYNC NEED NOT BE CONNECTED AT THE SAME TIME) With ‘On-Demand Synchronization’, computers that sync NEED NOT be connected at the same time. (EFFICIENT AND SEAMLESS MULTI-POINT SYNC) As a result customers can now enjoy multi-point synchronization; efficiently and seamlessly, without facing in performance issues. Data across locations can now be consolidated and disseminated with great ease. (MASTER SYNC) The robust mechanism of Master data synchronization brings along with it new business benefits like consistency and control in master creation. Also changes or modifications made to masters will get sync’d. (DELETED SYNC) With the deleted transaction synchronization in place, no more manual intervention is required to sync deleted vouchers and neither will the sync rules break. (GREATER RELIABILITY) All these ensures a high degree of data integrity and reliability across locations, giving you the power to make efficient and quick business decisions.

17 Questions ?

18 Thank You!

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