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Final Draft Essay Check List

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Presentation on theme: "Final Draft Essay Check List"— Presentation transcript:

1 Final Draft Essay Check List

2 Introduction Do I go from general to specific? Do I have background information/ definitions? Are they referenced? What is my thesis statement? Do I have a map?

3 Paragraphs/ Arguments
Do I have a specific topic sentence? Is there only one main idea in the paragraph and is it connected to the topic sentence? Are the sentences in my paragraph connected? Am I using linking words? Do I have a comma after my liking word (most linking words are followed by a comma if they are at the beginning of the sentence). Am I using sources/ evidence to support my arguments?

4 Counterargument Do I have a counterargument? Have I used sources to support it? Do I rebuttal the counterargument?

5 Conclusion Have I restated my thesis? Have I summarised my main arguments? Do I have any new information in the conclusion?

6 Checking for plagiarism
Have I paraphrased my sources? Have I cited them correctly (according to Harvard)? Are the author’s names and dates correct?

7 Language Have I used these words: I, our, we, you…. Don’t, can’t… Am I using phrasal verbs? If yes, I may need to change them! Have I used academic language (AWL) in my essay? Suggestion: I should use the academic word list highlighter to scan my text. Do I have a range of grammar/ vocabulary in my essay? Do I have spelling/ punctuation mistakes?

8 SOURCES Are my citations according to Harvard? Am I synthesising information? Is there a mixture of quotations and paraphrases? How old are my sources? Reference list Is my reference list in alphabetical order? Do I have at least 5 sources in my reference list? Do my sources appear in the text?

9 Have I answered the essay question?
Finally………… Have I answered the essay question?

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