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Increasing Accountability, Integrity and Transparency in Government

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1 Increasing Accountability, Integrity and Transparency in Government
No matter what party you believe in, this much money and influence is not right. We're going to clean up our democracy by limiting the amount of money in politics and cracking down on special interests. Increasing Accountability, Integrity and Transparency in Government

2 Missouri’s democracy isn’t working like it should.
No matter what party you believe in, the undue special interest money and influence in Missouri politics is not right. We're going to clean up our democracy by limiting the amount of money in politics and cracking down on special interests.

It doesn't have to be this way. The CLEAN MISSOURI initiative will: LOWER CAMPAIGN DONATION LIMITS $2,500 for State Senate, $2,000 for State House ELIMINATE ALMOST ALL LOBBYIST GIFTS in the legislature - nothing over $5 REQUIRE POLITICIANS WAIT 2 YEARS before paid lobbying

4 It doesn't have to be this way.
The CLEAN MISSOURI initiative will: MAKE LEGISLATIVE RECORDS OPEN TO PUBLIC by requiring House and Senate to follow Sunshine Law ENSURE NEITHER PARTY HAS AN UNFAIR ADVANTAGE when new maps are drawn after each Census

5 We’ve seen what happens in a no-limits world
After legislators repealed contribution limits in 2008, spending exploded. And in many instances, a small group of ideological donors bankrolled expensive campaigns and initiatives, using their wealth to influence elections.

6 Donations More Than Tripled
For statewide and legislative candidates Donations More Than Tripled And in many instances, a small group of ideological donors bankrolled expensive campaigns and initiatives, using their wealth to influence elections.

7 But it came from about half as many donors
And in many instances, a small group of ideological donors bankrolled expensive campaigns and initiatives, using their wealth to influence elections.

8 Every year, on average: Lobbyists give our legislators $870,000+ in meals, drinks, trips and other freebies Records show that since 2004, there has been an average of $868,000 per year in lobbyist gift giving in Missouri.

9 We don’t know who actually took $8,432,874 of the freebies.
It gets worse. We don’t know who actually took $8,432,874 of the freebies. When lobbyists report their freebies as going to a ‘group’ or ‘committee’, they don't have to reveal who is taking the free stuff.

10 $4,827 meal at a Columbia steakhouse $300 ride to the steakhouse
On a single March night during the 2013 session, House Utilities Committee enjoyed: $4,827 meal at a Columbia steakhouse $300 ride to the steakhouse $48 in bonus drinks during the ride

11 When big money speaks the loudest
Citizens' voices are drowned out Candidates are often rich or well connected — or people who cave to special interests

12 Year after year State legislators are re-elected in districts drawn or influenced by political appointees and party insiders. When maps are drawn by insiders loyal to party interests, instead of the public’s interest: We don't have real choices Voters aren’t able to hold their leaders accountable.

13 Fewer than 1 in 10 elections were competitive.
With our current district lines, there have been 540 legislative elections: Fewer than 1 in 10 elections were competitive. HALF of the races had a single candidate on November ballot. Decided by less than 10 percentage points.



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