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Writing, Shooting and Editing a package for a TV Newscast

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1 Writing, Shooting and Editing a package for a TV Newscast
Broadcast News Writing, Shooting and Editing a package for a TV Newscast

2 What is News? news judgment/bias/facts & objectivity
hard news, spot news, features, evergreens, live shots timeliness, proximity, conflict, prominence, human interest information people want or need to know about (vs. entertainment) news sources—reporter, wire, furnished, futures file, beats, beat check, other media, stringers, viewer tips (legal issues of copyright)

3 Planning for covering a story & Newsgathering
What is news? What is newsworthy? Reader, VO, VO-SOT (variations) or Package? Reader / Voicer / Voice-Actuality / Scener Make contacts, get permissions Public vs. private property / legal issues Fact sheets for each event: Contact person(s) who, what, when, where, why, how, affects who, costs how much?, etc.

4 Think about the production
production stages, target audience, story type Leads and content--lead of the story, lead-in, nat sound, sound bite, b-roll, stand up (incl. where), WS/MS/CU, etc., , shooting sequences, time/date content of a story compared to newscast date Blueprint of a package: Lead-in, lead, focus, b-roll with VO, SB, b-roll with VO, SU, b-roll with VO, SB, b-roll with VO, close Cut-ins, cutaways, sound bites, 2-shots, cross shots, etc. Blueprint of a Voice-Actuality: Lead-in, lead, focus, Voice Main Point, Actuality, Voice Main Point, Actuality, close, standard outcue

5 Video Shooting Points shoot at eye level
keep essential information near the center of the frame get fleeting pictures FIRST always edit in camera but shoot to edit -- 4:1 ratio have visual balance and emphasis leave ‘look space’ /nose room set correct ‘headroom’ Objective / subjective / presentational POV options

6 More Video Shooting Points
watch for distracting backgrounds avoid pans and zooms keep a shot sheet have guest ‘cheat to the camera’ reporter gathers and reports facts—interviewees provide reaction and comment get nat sound on all visuals

7 Look to get these shots 2 shots of reporter and guest
O/S shot reporter to guest; X/S for editing reverse angle shots of reporter shots suggested or brought to mind during interview “people” shots & comments—not objects other B-roll—cutaways stand-up(s)

8 Other points in getting going
Planned news vs. features Spot news, investigative news differences Can not wait until the last minute—use shooting and editing time wisely You must be ready to get the event shot -- shoot advance interviews or start of event, get shots of event, come back with editable b-roll and sound bites Dress appropriately in your story One person band -- do your own work No moving SU, no shared materials

9 Shooting B-roll and shooting interviews
Interview in someone’s office—sign for door, phone, etc. Interview outside – background and shot composition Sound of an event – good audio how Lighting –always check and think Don’t get in the way of the event Use the tripod Cutaways—something the speaker refers to, supports your VO Cut-ins: master shot.. insert a close-up, reaction shot, POV

10 What are our goals? Newscast to be proud of / competitive news stories and newscast (NBS, BEA Festival) Find out about and report on what’s happening Learn to be a good writer, producer, reporter, and journalist ###

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