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Ministry of The Environment

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1 Ministry of The Environment
“Managing Maritime Affairs for Environmental Sustainability” A presentation of The Maritime Affairs Committee 1st Environmental Partnership Forum Sheraton Cable Beach Resort, New Providence, The Bahamas Monday, 29th September 2008

2 Objectives To define agencies responsible for the maritime management within Ministry of The Environment Bahamas Maritime Authority Port Department October 2006

3 Objectives To provide an overview of how sufficient and efficient management of maritime affairs contribute to: Preventing pollution from ships Safety of life at sea Preventing damage of the marine environment Security of ships and ports October 2006

4 Objectives To outline international and domestic standards for maritime management To explain the Ministry’s strategy for improving maritime policy and services in The Bahamas October 2006

5 Maritime Management Agencies
Bahamas Maritime Authority Ship Registry of The Bahamas Responsible to ensure that all Bahamian-registered ships and foreign ships visiting The Bahamas comply with International Conventions October 2006

6 Maritime Management Agencies
Port Department Port Authorities Act Responsible for all ports in The Bahamas (excluding GBPA holdings and the harbour at Hatchet Bay, Eleuthera) October 2006

7 Preventing Pollution at Sea
MARPOL 73/78 Oil Chemicals Dangerous Goods Sewage Garbage Air Emissions October 2006

8 Ensuring Safety of Life at Sea
SOLAS 74 (as amended) Ship construction Fire protection & prevention Life-saving appliances Radio communications Safety of navigation October 2006

9 Ensuring Safety of Life at Sea
SOLAS 74 (as amended) (cont’d) Carriage of cargo Manning of ships STCW 78 (as amended) Training & certification of seafarers October 2006

10 Preventing Damage to the Marine Environment
ANTI-FOULING 2001 Prevention of use of paints containing TBT BALLAST WATER MANAGEMENT 2004 Prevention of the introduction of invasive species October 2006

11 Ensuring Security of Ships and Ports
ISP CODE Detection of security threats Prevention of security incidents to ships and international port facilities October 2006

12 Legislative Framework
The Port Authorities Act The Boat Registration Act The Water Skiing and Motor Boat Control Act The Merchant Shipping Act October 2006

13 Commitment of Port Department
Port Department is committed to excellence Providing quality service to its customers Regulating all maritime and environmental issues within the port areas Providing training and career development opportunities for its staff

14 Port Legislative Provisions
Security Port Controller (Admiralty Marshall) Dock/Wharf Maintenance Tug Services Harbour Control Inspectorate Beach Enforcement Lighthouses Wreck Receipt Dock Masters Oil Spills Marine Pilot Supervision ISPS Coordination Boat Registration

15 Port Policy Provisions
Contingency Planning Oil spills Other maritime emergencies October 2006

16 Port Services Warehouse storage Waste collection Fuel/Bunker services
Pilotage Harbour Patrol Tug Services October 2006

17 Other Port Responsibilities
Relations with Bahamas Maritime Authority Relations with the Water and Sewerage Corporation Relations with the Bahamas Electricity Corporation Relations with the Petroleum Industry Oil and Natural Gas Exploration Aragonite Mining

18 Recent Maritime Achievements
The Bahamas has 3rd largest ship registry in the world The Bahamas requires SCTW training for all seafarers All declared Bahamian ports compliant with ISPS Code Relocation of Haitian vessels from Arawak Cay

19 Challenges Oversight of numerous ports among many islands
Grey water disposal in harbours Introduction of invasive species Destruction of reefs related to anchorage Transportation of dangerous cargo (e.g. propane) October 2006

20 Challenges Improper disposal of waste oil and waste water
Inadequate Human resources Ensuring that ships maintain standard for registration in The Bahamas Delayed process for legislative drafting and enactment October 2006

21 Current Remedies Creation of no anchorage zones in collaboration with BEST Commission Draft Marina Policy under review to guide marina construction In pursuit of qualified Health and Safety Officer for Port Department October 2006

22 Proposed Strategy Remedial legislation
Hefty penalties for pollution of Bahamian waterways Environmental inspectorate within the Port Department Disposal of used waste oil October 2006

23 Proposed Strategy Implementation of Marina Policy
Removal of submerged boats from harbours of north side New Providence Extraction of wrecks including, but not limited to those in Fresh Creek, Abaco, and Hope Town October 2006

24 Proposed Strategy Comprehensive cleaning of Arawak Cay (in collaboration with DEHS) Establishment of technical group for the protection of Bahamian waters from invasive species October 2006

25 Proposed Strategy Recruitment of qualified, experienced staff
Training of new and existent staff October 2006

26 Proposed Strategy Encourage proposals for international training
Proposal to establish a Maritime Training Institution being reviewed by Government October 2006

27 Thank You! Contact Us Port Department Prince George Dock P. O. Box N 8175 Nassau, N.P., The Bahamas Phone:  Fax:      Bahamas Maritime Authority Manx Corporate Centre West Bay Street PO Box N4679 Nassau, N.P., Bahamas Phone:  Fax:      October 2006

28 Thank You! October 2006

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