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A Stochastic Walk Along Mexico’s Mesoamerican Frontier

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1 A Stochastic Walk Along Mexico’s Mesoamerican Frontier
Gregory Brock & Constantin Ogloblin Dept. of Finance and Economics Georgia Southern University

2 Method Stochastic frontier model: Inefficiency term:
Deterministic function of time: η = percentage change in inefficiency over time ( ) If η > 0, inefficiency decreases (converges) toward the last period (T ) Time invariant (municipio-specific) inefficiency:

3 Method (cont.) TL output elasticities with respect to capital and labor: Total factor productivity change: where (shift in the frontier over time) (change in efficiency over time) (scale economies/diseconomies factor) (measures returns to scale) are growth rates of K and L

4 Method (cont.) Total factor productivity change – alternative measure:
(rate of output change holding inputs fixed) Convergence equation:

5 Results Table 3. Translog Regression and Likelihood Ratio Results
Variant 1 Variant 2 Variant 3 Coef. Std. err k 0.5355 0.0936 0.2567 * 0.1184 0.1796 ** 0.1015 l −1.7214 0.2766 −1.9263 0.3175 −1.1570 0.2988 k2 0.0157 0.0035 0.0071 0.0038 −0.0289 0.0037 l2 0.1720 0.0246 0.1414 0.0288 −0.0111 *** 0.0239 k × l −0.0910 0.0183 −0.0381 0.0212 0.0723 0.0166 t 0.0106 0.0032 0.0048 0.0079 Mexico 2.7229 0.0901 2.7967 0.1530 Belize 2.1867 0.2676 2.2457 0.2500 constant 1.4564 1.6372 1.4700 mu 0.8070 0.4337 0.3468 0.8568 0.8410 0.3795 eta 0.0178 0.0018 0.0210 0.0021 0.0304 0.0034 θk 0.2436 0.0267 0.1540 0.0324 −0.1422 0.0339 θl −0.1509 0.0428 −0.0344 0.0552 −0.1428 0.0386 LLH 180.04 133.29 520.11 N = 980. All coefficients significant at 1% except: *- 5%, **- 10%, ***- not significant even at 10%

6 Results (cont.) Table 4C. Technical Efficiency Level and Change
Input Variant Mean Std. Dev. Min Max Current K & L, country FE 0.3180 0.2404 0.0037 0.9664 Lagged K & L, country FE 0.3172 0.2481 0.0011 0.9720 Lagged K & L, municipio FE 0.3075 0.2381 0.0020 0.9759 2. Technical Efficiency Change (TE∆) Input Variant Mean Std. Dev. Min Max Current K & L, country FE Lagged K & L, country FE Lagged K & L, municipio FE Table 5. TFP Decomposition — TL Results A. Country FE B. Municipio FE Mean Std. Dev. TC TE∆ Scale TFP-dot TFP1-dot

7 Results (cont.) Table 6. Convergence Results (with White's Correction), Dependent variable = Output/Labor Growth Rate Absolute Conditional Coef. t-stat Constant 16.75 *** 4.37 16.88 4.06 Country dummy −2.03 −8.08 −2.07 −5.48 Ln[(Y/L)1990] −1.49 −3.64 −1.50 −3.41 TE1990 0.21 R2adj 0.62 0.61 n 49 ***- 1% level of significance

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