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The “Wandering Photon” An Animation Found on the Internet

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Presentation on theme: "The “Wandering Photon” An Animation Found on the Internet"— Presentation transcript:

1 The “Wandering Photon” An Animation Found on the Internet
The “Wandering Photon” An Animation Found on the Internet! Animated Illustration of the Random Walk Problem

2 The “Wandering Photon”
A photon walks straight for a random distance. It stops random,lywith probability g . It turns in a random direction with probability (1-g).

3 A One-Dimensional “Wandering Photon”

4 After walking to the right for a random distance x, it stops
with probability g. After each stop, there is a probability (1-g)/2 for it to continue to the right & a probability (1-g)/2 for it to continue to the left.

5 x

6 x

7 x

8 x

9 x

10 x

11 What is the Probability P of a photon being absorbed at x?
pdf of the length of the first step 1/h = average step length γ = absorption probability

12 P(photon absorbed at x) = f (|x|,g,η)
pdf of the length of the first step pdf of the length of the first step 1/h = average step length γ = absorption probability

13 “The Sleepy Photon” or “The Sleepy Drunk” in higher dimensions

14 After walking a random distance r, it stops with
probability g. Then, with probability (1-g ), it picks a random direction to continue walking.










24 “The Sleepy Photon” or “The Sleepy Drunk” in higher dimensions r P(absorbed at r) = f (r,g,h)

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