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DAI 327 Digital Media 1: Introduction Instructor: Jane Veeder Prerequisites: DAI 322 with an earned grade of C- or better or demonstrated equivalent study/professional.

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Presentation on theme: "DAI 327 Digital Media 1: Introduction Instructor: Jane Veeder Prerequisites: DAI 322 with an earned grade of C- or better or demonstrated equivalent study/professional."— Presentation transcript:

1 DAI 327 Digital Media 1: Introduction Instructor: Jane Veeder Prerequisites: DAI 322 with an earned grade of C- or better or demonstrated equivalent study/professional experience Illustrator and Photoshop skills Experience with 2D graphics software Some experience with 2D layout Experience with general design process

2 DAI 327 is a prerequisite to: DAI 427 Digital Media 2: 2D Motion Graphics DAI 527 Digital Media 3: Web Design DAI 627 Digital Media 4: Advanced Projects (variable topic) Etc. DAI 327 helps prepare you for other courses: DAI 470 Portfolio Preparation Journalism 695 Intro to Online Journalism DAI 505 Research/Dev, digital media focus Etc.

3 Introduction to BIG IDEAS in digital media Introduction to interaction design Foundation skills/experience with the digital media design/production process Basic understanding of interative digital media technology Basic skills with HTML, Flash, Audacity.

4 Interactivity – idiomatic to the medium Perception & Cognition – how we see, know, and act Non-Linearity – freeing thought and action from the illusion of linearity Virtuality – immersive experiences via graphics, sound, and interaction Remediation – digital media re-mediates other, older media, e.g. photos, sound Field of User Interface Design/Human Factors

5 Communication, action, and feedback Interface as membrane between user and author Who is your user? User persona, narrative Navigation of information structures – analysis and design How to support engagement, delight, exploration, empowerment, learning

6 Experimentalism a required approach to a dynamic medium Treatments, Sketches, Flow Charts Un-learn the assembly line process Preparing assets for screen-based works Prototyping and testing (know more earlier) Iterative design, repatterning (30 circles) Start rough but whole and loop with successive refinement and completion Collaborative strategies via a team project

7 How 2D computer graphics works Bitmap vs Vector Graphics Digital media 2D file formats VERY basic 2D motion graphics (vs DAI 427, an in-depth exploration ) Preparing assets for real-time screen performance and online access Basics of digital audio Combining digital video with interaction

8 Basics of HTML Basics of interactive digital media authoring with Flash Introductory Flash Actionscripting

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