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Territory changes after the Conquest of New France

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1 Territory changes after the Conquest of New France

2 The Conquest of New France…
Which Year? After how many years of war? Who won? Which treaty was signed?

3 Treaty of Paris in 1760 and the Royal Proclamation in 1763
Treaty of Paris in 1760 (Talks about Territory only) England gets the land that NF had France keeps two small islands for fishing  St. Pierre and Miquelon (they still own them today!)

4 British North America was now divided like this:
English territory: 13 Colonies Province of Québec Nova Scotia Newfoundland Prince Edward Island Florida Rupert’s land “Indian Territory”


6 North America after the conquest…
Name the territories The people living in BNA spoke which languages? The people living in BNA practiced which religions? Do you think the English (British) wanted to keep the French speaking people in NA?

7 ? ? ?

8 Impacts of the Royal Proclamation 1763
Territory: Territory for French Canadians (smaller) The 13 colonies did not change… 13 upset because they wanted the Ohio Valley



11 ***N.B. no « chambre d’assemblée » = not a democracy
2. « Civil Government » Governor : Makes laws Right of veto (not really a democracy) Judicial and military power Nominated council  a council named by the governor (not voted in by people) English governor (never French) ***N.B. no « chambre d’assemblée » = not a democracy

12 Impacts of the Royal Proclamation 1763
3. Political Oath of Allegiance  People in the council had to swear an allegiance to the British King. You had to be protestant to do this. Could French Canadians join the council? NOPE! The would not give up the Catholic religion!

13 Impacts of the Royal Proclamation 1763
4. Religion The protestant religion was ENCOURAGED  schools, churches built Refusal of the entry of a new Catholic bishop in the Province of Quebec Abolishment of church tax Will it be easy for the Catholic religion to maintain power in the Province of Quebec?

14 Impacts of the Royal Proclamation 1763
5. Land division Application of a « township system » rather than a seigniorial system for dividing land 2 systems of land division in the Province of Quebec: Seigniorial (French) Township (English)

15 Impacts of the Royal Proclamation 1763
6. Population English colonists and wealthy English merchants were encouraged to install themselves in the Province of Quebec Bring up the English population to dilute the French population Wealthy merchants stayed in the Montreal area

16 Impacts of the Royal Proclamation 1763
7. Judicial system English criminal and civil laws Secret instructions to Murray (1st govenor) (implemented after the conquest) Anglisize the French  assimilate them! Religion Land division Schools (English and Prot.) Immigration of lots of English speaking colonists to Prov. Of Quebec

17 Question: Do you think the French Canadian population / culture will survive? How do you know? Will it be easy?

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