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Warm Up – April 10 Answer the following questions on the same post it as the warm up: What were the two principles of Enlightenment thinking? What is the.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up – April 10 Answer the following questions on the same post it as the warm up: What were the two principles of Enlightenment thinking? What is the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up – April 10 Answer the following questions on the same post it as the warm up: What were the two principles of Enlightenment thinking? What is the central them of the Enlightenment? How did Thomas Hobbes view the role of government? How did this way of thinking differ from that of John Locke? How could the Enlightenment be viewed as a cause for revolution?

2 Document Based Question (DBQ)
First Paragraph – Thesis and Context Next Three Paragraphs – Grouping Paragraphs You need to RELATE EACH DOCUMENT BACK TO THE QUESTION BEING ASKED Conclusion – Pick one of the three reasons – support with additional evidence

3 DBQ: What caused the Protestant Reformation?
Document 1– Source: Pope Gregory XI: The Condemnation of Wycliffe (1382), Gregory XI condemning John Wycliffe for questioning the Catholic Church. Wycliffe, an English theologian and reformer, was a precursor of the Protestant Reformation DESCRIBE THE DOCUMENT “Document 1 shows Pope Gregory XI condemning John Wycliffe for questioning the Catholic Church.” ARE YOU GIVEN CREDIT FOR DESCRIBING DOCUMENT 1? NO

4 DBQ: What caused the Protestant Reformation?
Document 1– Source: Pope Gregory XI: The Condemnation of Wycliffe (1382), Gregory XI condemning John Wycliffe for questioning the Catholic Church. Wycliffe, an English theologian and reformer, was a precursor of the Protestant Reformation SUPPORT THE DOCUMENT “Document 1 illustrates how people such as John Wycliffe felt that the Catholic Church was too focused on wealth and power and not focused on teaching about God and the Bible.” ARE YOU GIVEN CREDIT FOR DESCRIBING DOCUMENT 1? YES

5 DBQ: What caused the Protestant Reformation?
Document 1– Source: Pope Gregory XI: The Condemnation of Wycliffe (1382), Gregory XI condemning John Wycliffe for questioning the Catholic Church. Wycliffe, an English theologian and reformer, was a precursor of the Protestant Reformation SUPPORT THE DOCUMENT (RELATE BACK TO THE QUESTION) “Followers of the Catholic Church saw that the Church was focused on its own wealth with the selling of indulgences and church positions. The Reformation began as a way to fix these problems.” ARE YOU GIVEN CREDIT FOR EXPLAINING DOCUMENT 1? YES

6 DBQ: What caused the Protestant Reformation?
Document 1– Source: Pope Gregory XI: The Condemnation of Wycliffe (1382), Gregory XI condemning John Wycliffe for questioning the Catholic Church. Wycliffe, an English theologian and reformer, was a precursor of the Protestant Reformation EXPLAIN THE DOCUMENT (POV or PURPOSE) “The POV of this document is from a Catholic priest which shows bias towards the Church since he is a member of it.” Do you get credit for POV? No “The POV of this document is from a Catholic priest attempting to defend the Church against any attacks. He is attempting to save the Church from losing followers”

7 DBQ: What caused the Protestant Reformation?
DESCRIBE: “Document 1 illustrates how people such as John Wycliffe felt that the Catholic Church was too focused on wealth and power and not focused on teaching about God and the Bible.” SUPPORT: “Followers of the Catholic Church saw that the Church was focused on its own wealth with the selling of indulgences and church positions. The Reformation began as a way to fix these problems.” EXPLAIN: “The POV of this document is from a Catholic priest attempting to defend the Church against any attacks. He is attempting to save the Church from losing followers”

8 DBQ: What caused the Protestant Reformation?
ON A SHEET OF PAPER – DESCRIBE THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENT SUPPORT THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENT (RELATE BACK TO THE QUESTION) EXPLAIN THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENT (POV or PURPOSE) Document 3 Source: Selections from Martin Luther’s 95 Theses, 31 October 1517 21. Thus those preachers of indulgences are in error who say that by the indulgences of the Pope a man is freed and saved from all punishments. 24. Hence, the greater part of the people must needs be deceived by this indiscriminate and high-sounding promise of release from penalties. 43. Christians should be taught that he who gives to a poor man, or lends to a needy man, does better than if he bought pardons. …

9 DBQ: What caused the Protestant Reformation?
DESCRIBE: Document 3 shows Martin Luther’s criticisms against the Church’s selling of indulgences. SUPPORT: Followers of the Catholic Church were not happy that the Church sold these indulgences as it showed the Church was not focused on following its own doctrine and teaching about God’s forgiveness. The Reformation sought to change the Church so it would focus less on wealth and indulgences and more on God and the Bible. EXPLAIN: The purpose of Martin Luther in writing this document is to let the Church and its followers know that the Church needs to change and be more focused on God.

10 PERIOD 5: 1750-1900 (Industrialization and Global Integration)

11 Absolutism Absolutism = placed unlimited power in the monarch and his advisors European monarchs wanted complete control and total loyalty of their subjects Ruled by divine right = idea that monarchs receive their power directly from God and are responsible to God alone for their actions

12 France  Louis XIV Most powerful French monarch
Became King at the age of 5 Ruled for 72 years Motto = “I am the state” Nickname = the “Sun King” -- because everything revolves around him

13 Built the extravagant Palace of Versailles
France  Louis XIV Built the extravagant Palace of Versailles

14 France  Louis XIV Unjust tax system --> poor paid most of the taxes Nobles, clergy, and government officials didn’t have to pay taxes Eventually leads to the French Revolution Religious policy = he saw Huguenots (French Protestants) as a threat Wanted them to be Catholic Revoked Edict of Nantes --> they could no longer practice their religion and their kids had to become Catholics 200,000 Huguenots left France

15 Louis XIV - Engineering an Empire
While watching the video, create questions for the following topics: The Significance of the nobles attempting to kill Louis XiV when he is a child The type of rule of Louis XIV (how did he view himself) The public projects and engineering projects of Louis XIV Effects of these projects on France Causes for Revolution

16 TOD – April 10 Answer the following questions on the same post it as the warm up: Describe the significance of the following philosophes: Voltaire, Montesquieu, Mary Wollstonecraft How can the Enlightenment and Absolutism be considered causes of a revolution? What actions by Louis XIV would lead to people revolting in France?

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