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Extended DISC® Assessment Suite.

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1 Extended DISC® Assessment Suite

2 Extended DISC Background
Carl Jung theorised that the mind behaves on two levels, the conscious and unconscious and what is commonly referred to as ‘the iceberg’. The visible portion of the iceberg is the conscious mind, what is outwardly expressed or our conscious behaviour and it is where we think, feel, sense and use intuition.   The portion below the surface is our unconscious mind, here is where we find thoughts, feelings and information not readily available to us.

3 Background to our Behaviour
We all have our personal ways of behaving in different situations. Usually we act routinely, repeating our adapted ways of doing things. It is easier to repeat our adapted ways than to learn new ways. We attempt to predict situations unconsciously, and to do things in ways we found to work in different situations in the past. Typically we form an opinion of another person almost immediately - whether we want to or not.

4 Human Behaviour Thinking Sensing Intuition Feeling
To better understand human behaviour, a model was developed using two axis: Thinking Sensing Intuition Feeling

5 Description of each Quadrant
Facts Hard values Results Influencing Generating ideas Friendliness Considerate Emotions Logic Systems Analyses Change Renewal People Communication Openness Traditions Checking Examining Instructions

6 Human Capacity Human Capacity is made up of: Attitudes Values Skills
Knowledge Experience Expectations Physical Condition Mental Condition Behavioural Filters Cultural heritage Unconscious behavior Conscious behavior

7 Human Capacity Cultural Heritage Unconscious Behaviour
Represents all that we have adopted during our lives (our inner selves) – cultural norms, values, ethics and morals. It is personal to each individual, we cannot transfer it to anyone else. Unconscious Behaviour The way we naturally respond to a stimulus. Differentiates people with the same cultural background. The behaviours we use naturally requires the least energy and when we have least control of ourselves, eg under pressure.

8 Human Capacity Behavioural Filters Conscious Behaviour
These are personal to every individual and can be influenced and changed quickly if we desire. They restrict or widen our options for responding, behaving and communicating. If a negative connotation, the filter most likely directs our behaviour towards a more negative and critical direction. If a positive connotation, the filter makes us more flexible and effective. Conscious Behaviour Learned behaviours that connect us to the situation and the people involved. This is the behaviour we exhibit when we have time to design the best possible approach and when external or internal pressures don’t prevent us from doing that. It is a combination of the requirements of the environment and our inner behavioural motivation.

9 Behavioural Assessment

10 Behavioural Styles The Behavioural Assessment does not provide results that classify people. There are no good/bad categories and the system does not rank people in any way. All the information in this assessment is derived from your “natural behavioural style”. It is a behavioural style that takes the least energy and effort, requires the least amount of concentration and is usually the most comfortable for you. It does not measure knowledge or skills. None of the behavioral styles are better or worse.

11 What’s in your Behavioural Assessment
Cover Page Profiles Diamond Motivators Text Page Team Roles Competencies Questions

12 Answering Interface

13 Profiles I & II Profile I Profile II
Tells us what your adjusted style is to your work environment - your conscious behaviour. Profile II Tells us what your natural behavioural style is – your unconscious behavoiur.

14 The Diamond The Diamond
This shows us where your most natural behavioural style is (the blue area) and where you can easily develop (the shaded areas). The end of the arrow is where your adjusted style is so the arrow shows us how far you are stretching.

15 Applications The Behavioural Assessments have many applications:
Recruitment Retention & Motivation Team Development & Building Self-development Improving Communication Coaching & Training Leadership Development Sales & Management Training Customer Service Training

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