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A Day in the Life of Your Kindergartner

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Presentation on theme: "A Day in the Life of Your Kindergartner"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Day in the Life of Your Kindergartner
Daily routine Special area classes Classroom atmosphere

2 Balanced Literacy Fundations/Word Work Writing Workshop
Reading Workshop Shared Reading Read Aloud Interactive Writing Grammar language infused

3 Math Time Common Core (with common sense)
Skills and concepts are addressed with modeling and manipulatives for a hands-on experience Home-school connection sheets will be sent Interactive Smart Board lessons are presented Pencil and paper practice is done in class on occasion. We strive to make math and number sense a developmentally appropriate activity.

4 Nurse News… Please be sure to keep the nurse up to date about your child’s medical conditions. This includes asthma, allergies, changes in medications or any other life threatening conditions. Some allergies require Epi-pens to be present in the building.


6 Star of the Week! Please sign your child up as a star of the week.
Your child will be pleasantly surprised when you come in to be our Secret reader that week on the specific date and time listed on the sign up sheet. I will send a reminder before your child’s special week. Please practice spelling your child’s first name aloud so we can celebrate his / her name that week. You will be asked to send in a special toy / stuffed animal for show and tell along with some special pictures. I will send home a little banner for you to complete at home the week before with your reminder. I can’t wait to celebrate each child!

7 LUNCH Time!!! Students have begun to buy lunch. Please contact the lunch staff or main office in regards to using your child’s card. You will need to fund the card and then your child will not need to carry large bills and change. Then send in the funds in a labeled envelope that specify to SEND THE FUNDS TO THE LUNCH CARD. If cash is sent in without those instructions, the students will use the cash and take home lots of change. Please inform your child of what you expect them to buy for lunch on any given day that you want them to buy. Thank you.

8 Programs for the Whole Child
Character Education Second Step Social Studies Science Health Smart Peaceful Bus Program

9 Classroom Management Plan
Individual, small / whole group incentives Home-school connection reinforces positive behaviors Table captains (1 per table) Morning helpers (2) & line leaders (2) How do we earn treasure chest prizes?

10 Year Round Activities Birthday celebrations – see slide
Themed Craft Celebrations – sign up to volunteer at one or two events while you are here tonight! STAR OF THE WEEK – we will celebrate the child’s name in morning routine & parents may visit for a 20 minute block that week to read to our class! See the sign up sheet for more details.

11 BELIEVE Believe Every day… Love and respect yourself
In everything you do! Value and take pride in what you do Every day!

12 What can you do at home? Please check Backpack News
Ask your child about his/her day Incorporate learned skills into daily life Notify me of any changes (i.e. parent out of town for business, illnesses, dismissal changes) READ, READ, READ! PLAY, PLAY, PLAY!

13 BIRTHDAYS Please see the guidelines set by the district about FOOD. Please let the teacher know in advance if you would like to send in store bought, individual-sized treats that need not be refrigerated. The package must be unopened with a list of ingredients that was labeled by the company. Please do not send in a cake that needs to be cut and served or pull apart cupcakes. We will need napkins as well. Please do not send drinks. A safe food box will be housed so that I may supply a safe food to any child with allergies. BIRTHDAY SNACKS may be dropped off at the front desk before 1pm. We will celebrate later in the afternoon depending on the daily schedule. We can’t wait to celebrate your special day!

14 Our Class Mission Statement
We believe we all… have the right to be safe have the right to learn have the responsibility to respect each other and the right to be respected should be honest and responsible for our actions should display good character in all we do

15 Thank You! After my presentation… Please sign up for a parent-teacher conference for the Fall and one for the Spring before you leave! Volunteer to help out with a craft during the year as well. Don’t forget to sign up your child up as a Star of the week! Come in to read and visit us for 20 minutes.

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