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Big Board Facts 3rd Nine Weeks Review

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Presentation on theme: "Big Board Facts 3rd Nine Weeks Review"— Presentation transcript:

1 Big Board Facts 3rd Nine Weeks Review
Welcome To Big Board Facts 3rd Nine Weeks Review

2 Today's Topics NEXT

3 Geography of Asia NEXT

4 Economic Systems NEXT

5 Government Systems NEXT

6 Factors That affect Economic Growth NEXT

7 All Mixed Up NEXT

8 Big Board Facts Geography Of Asia 5 10 15 20 25 All Mixed Up 5 10 15 20 25 All Mixed Up 5 10 15 20 25 All Mixed Up 5 10 15 20 25 All Mixed Up 5 10 15 20 25 Team Scores Team One Team Three Team Five Big Points Question Team Two Team Four Team Six

9 Where do most people in Africa and Asia tend to live and why?
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10 Near bodies of water such as rivers for survival purposes to include: drinking, irrigation, travel and trade. Back to Board

11 The largest nation in Southern/Eastern Asia is __________________.
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12 CHINA Back to Board

13 We described Japan as an archipelago. What does that mean?
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14 It is a nation of Islands.
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15 What is the major problem with the Yangtze and Ganges River?
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16 They are both polluted. Back to Board

17 Which country in Southern/Eastern Asia occupies the Gobi Desert?
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18 China Back to Board

19 The economic system in which the government decides
What to produce How to produce For whom to produce Show Answer

20 Command Economy Back to Board

21 What role do unstable governments have in fighting Famine and HIV/AIDS is Africa?
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22 Governments that are stable are better able to combat both Famine and HIV/AIDS.
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23 What is the purpose of currency?
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24 To make trade easier between people and nations.
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25 In a federal system of government power is shared between the
_____________and ______________ govt. Show Answer

26 Central and regional (local) governments.
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27 What is the relationship between the literacy rate and the standard of living and GDP?
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28 Usually, the higher the literacy rate, the higher the standard of living and GDP.
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29 Nigeria has an abundance of natural resources such as oil and gold, yet a great number of people live in poverty. Why? Show Answer

30 Leaders have not used the resources to benefit the entire nation
Possible answers: Corrupt leaders Leaders have not used the resources to benefit the entire nation Back to Board

31 The word republic indicates democracy
The word republic indicates democracy. Why are dictatorships sometimes called “republics”? Show Answer

32 Dictators/ Nations may name their country what ever they wish.
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33 What is the relationship between investing in human capital and the GDP?
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34 Usually, nations that invest more in education and training (human capital) will have higher GDP.
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35 In which form of government would a person have the most freedom in ?
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36 Democracy Back to Board

37 What is the most prevalent environmental issue in China?
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38 Air Pollution Back to Board

39 Which country is marked by letter C?
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40 JAPAN Back to Board

41 Which letter identifies the Democratic Republic of Congo?
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42 B= The Democratic Republic of Congo
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43 What are differences between parliamentary and presidential democracies?
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44 Citizens elect the president in a presidential system
Citizens elect the president in a presidential system. The Head of state (prime minister) is elected by the legislature in a parliamentary system. Back to Board

45 What physical feature is labeled by letter A?
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46 The Bay of Bengal Back to Board

47 What is the name of the sacred river in India that empties into the Bay of Bengal?
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48 Ganges River Back to Board

49 Which person below is a member of a religious group?
A      Savis is Buddhist. B       Eri is Japanese. C      Arnie is Asian. D      Kya is Kurdish. Show Answer

50 A      Savis is Buddhist. Back to Board

51 B Oil companies in the region shut down.
From 2003 to 2007 Nigeria's GDP increased 5%.  Which statement below is most consistent with this data? A      There was an investment in human capital through education and training. B       Oil companies in the region shut down. C      Nigeria stopped investing in capital resources like machinery and technology. D      The countries surrounding Nigeria had improved economies. Show Answer

52 A      There was an investment in human capital through education and training.
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53 B the interest rate at the bank C how many credit cards a person has
Before a spending budget can be created, what piece of information MUST be known? A      a person’s income B       the interest rate at the bank C      how many credit cards a person has D      whether the person thinks saving is important Show Answer

54 A      a person’s income Back to Board

55 How does access to education differ in Kenya and Sudan?
A      Sudan offers free education through college to all citizens. B       There are more political barriers to education in Kenya. C      Girls have more access to formal education in Kenya. D      Education is prohibited in Sudan. Show Answer

56 C Girls have more access to formal education in Kenya.
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57 If Nigeria passed a law that taxed all imports from South Africa, this would be known as
A      a tariff. B       an embargo. C      a quota. D      an entrepreneur. Show Answer

58 A      a tariff. Back to Board

59 The "Big Points" Question Show Question

60 25 10 9 11 12 14 13 8 6 2 1 3 4 15 5 7 16 27 26 28 29 30 24 23 18 17 19 20 22 21 What is the name of the process used by farmers when they cultivate mountainous or sloped areas for agriculture. Show Answer

61 Terrace Farming Back to Board

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