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Use of ESF Evaluation Findings

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1 Use of ESF Evaluation Findings
in Austria Regina Barth (Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, the Arts and Culture) Elfriede Wagner (Institute for Advanced Studies)

2 Main Results of the Evaluation so far
• The quantitative realisation of the OP proceeds well • The ESF significantly contributes to the reduction of discriminations The guiding principles of the LLL Strategy are widely implemented and have proven as successful • The participants’ overall satisfaction is very high

3 The main principles of the Austrian Lifelong Learning (LLL)
Strategy are the following Life-stage orientation Putting learners at the centre Lifelong Guidance Competence orientation Support/Promoting participation in LLL

4 Basic Education and the Acquisition of Educational Qualifications
Results: Unequally distributed supply; overall too little supply Measures: national programme starting 2012 aiming at extending supply step by step Results: Well implemented LLL-principles => higher participant satisfaction, higher success rates & personal outcomes Measures: Call for transfer projects implementing LLL-principles

5 • Basic education / lower secondary level courses
Results: Attendance fees are barriers to access and should be removed Measures: in the national programme attendance is free of charge • Higher secondary level courses Results: LLL-principles less well implemented; disadvantaged target group not reached Measures: courses no longer part of the ESF; specific projects focusing on minority and disadvantaged groups will be started 2012

6 Impartial Guidance and Counselling
Results: Unequal portfolios of methods (e.g. lack of competence assessment procedures) Measures: implementation of these methods from 2012 Results: Disadvantaged target group not satisfactorily reached Measures: pilot projects aiming at new methods of counselling addressing adults in their communities and at establishing networks with institutions targeting disadvantaged groups

7 Professionalizing Results: Trainers` continuing education could be extended by funding through employers Measures: financial support granted by the Federal Ministry Results: Insufficient data collection (participant monitoring system) Measures: by Federal Ministry to urge institutions to provide the relevant data


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