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Can you remember our 5 senses?

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Presentation on theme: "Can you remember our 5 senses?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Can you remember our 5 senses?
Date: 18th September LO: The Sense of Smell Can you remember our 5 senses? sight hearing touch smell taste

2 One of our strongest senses is our sense of smell.
Our sense of smell helps us decide what we would like to eat.

3 There are lots of beautiful smells which you might like.
What smells do you like?

4 There are lots of horrible smells too!
Which smells do you not like?

5 Some people have jobs which mean they have to smell things all day long!
This man is a perfumier. He makes perfumes in his laboratory.

6 We have a sense of smell to keep us safe
We have a sense of smell to keep us safe. We can smell food which has gone bad which would make us ill.

7 It also helps us smell fire so we can keep ourselves safe.

8 Activity: Smell the pots around the classroom.
Do not open them to look inside or the contents will fall out. What do they contain? Try to figure out what is in the pot. Complete your sheet like this:

9 Onion orange cheese herbs sweets curry
Smelling Pots Pot number What is inside Do you like it? 1 onion  Or X Onion orange cheese herbs sweets curry

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