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The Grand Encampment of Knights Templar

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1 The Grand Encampment of Knights Templar
A review of our History


3 History Origin traces back to the Crusades
Organized by Hugh de Payen in 1118 Recognized and sanctioned by Baldwin II, King of Jerusalem, and stationed on the site of King Solomon’s Temple


5 History First bankers of the world Obedience only to the Pope
Deposit accounts for later withdrawal Obedience only to the Pope Not subject to local civil or ecclesiastical authority First standing army Service pledged for life not a campaign


7 History GM Jacques DeMolay arrested Oct 13, 1307 (a Friday)
Order suppressed by Papal Bull May 6, 1312 DeMolay burned at stake March 14, 1314 Order disappeared or went underground Many theories try to link Medieval Templars to modern day Templar Freemasons



10 Origin of Masonic Templary
August 28, 1769, The Order of the Temple conferred upon Bro. William Davis in St. Andrew’s Chapter, RAM, Boston 1780, Encampment of KT formed in Charleston, SC 1785, NYC, Templars attend St. John’s Day services Through 1816, knighting and formation of Encampments and Grand Encampments

11 Origin of Masonic Templary
Representatives of MA/RI, NY, PA meet for 9 days June 11-19, 1816 to establish a General Grand Encampment The meeting adjourned without any agreement

12 Origin of Masonic Templary
June 1816 Meeting Webb reported that there were a number of differences which blocked combination PA insisted that KT would be subordinate to the Grand Lodge PA objected to the sequence of degrees and did not wish to recognize Mark Master or Most Excellent Master

13 Origin of Masonic Templary
June 1816 Meeting SK Fowle of Boston reported that the biggest issue is the new Masons Hall in PA just constructed at a cost of $100,000 “they have expended their funds and assessed their lodges” About $14,000 is still needed Grand Lodge receives $11 for each new Royal Arch Mason

14 Origin of Masonic Templary
June 1816 Meeting Members pay Grand Lodge a $5 fee to become a Past Master Grand Lodge was to receive a fee of $15 for each Knight Templar

15 Origin of Masonic Templary
June 20-21, 1816, The General Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the USA was organized by MA/RI and NY This second organization meeting was in NYC Meeting began the day after the PA meeting ended

16 Origin of Masonic Templary
PA joined April 12, 1854 (a month before Indiana) Becoming the 10th Grand Commandery

17 Origin of Templar Masonry
Various Grand Encampments (State organizations) join with the General Grand Encampment Names later changed to Grand Commanderies and Grand Encampment First non-US GC was Philippines in 1963

18 Origin of Templar Masonry
Now have 59 Grand Commanderies in the US and around the world 18 Other Countries under the jurisdiction of the GE Europe, Africa, Asia, and North and South Americas

19 Organization Templary is unique in that it is the only recognized Masonic Organization that has a world wide governing body in existence for almost 200 years

20 Bicentennial Committee
James MacConnell Eugene Capobianco John Bridegroom Chris Hodapp Paul Page Jim MacConnell


22 Malta Jewels Black & White Ribbons for new Sir Knights
Provided by Grand Encampment in New member package Or on Knighting day in some cases – special classes

23 Malta Jewels Solid Black Ribbons for current Sir Knights $25 each
Where to find them

24 Bicentennial Celebration
Friday / Saturday July 22 – 23, 2016 in New York City

25 Bicentennial Celebration
Possible composition Party Guided / Arranged tour of city Order of Temple in period dress Special guests Masonic experts / authors

26 Bicentennial Celebration
Events across the entire Grand Encampment Department celebrations? Use your imagination

27 The Grand Encampment of Knights Templar
Time to start the next 200 years


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