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The Journey so far - Pioneer Perspective

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1 The Journey so far - Pioneer Perspective
Y Daith hyd yn hyn - Safbwynt Arloeswyr Kelly Forest-Mackay Kelly Forest-Mackay


3 Y Pedwar Diben The Four Purposes
Ambitious capable learners, ready to learn throughout their lives Enterprising, creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work Ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world Healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society Dysgwyr uchelgeisiol, galluog sy’n barod i ddysgu drwy gydol eu hoes Cyfranwyr mentrus, creadigol sy’n barod i chwarae eu rhan yn llawn yn eu bywyd a’u gwaith Dinasyddion egwyddorol, gwybodus sy’n barod i fod yn ddinasyddion i Gymru a’r byd Unigolion iach, hyderus sy’n barod i fyw bywyd gan wireddu eu dyheadau fel aelodau gwerthfawr o gymdeithas

4 Distinctive nature of the Health and Well-being AoLE
Natur unigryw Maes Dysgu a Phrofiad Iechyd a Lles Distinctive nature of the Health and Well-being AoLE Health and well-being encompasses the interconnected physical, psychological, emotional, cultural and social dimensions to enable everyone to participate fully in life as best they can in an ever changing world. Promoting the development of: Mental & emotional well-being Healthy dispositions in respect of the body A range of positive relationships Understanding in the context of learners’ wider environment Intrinsically linked to the Four Purposes Mae iechyd a lles yn cynnwys dimensiynau cymdeithasol, diwylliannol, emosiynol, seicolegol a chorfforol sy’n gysylltiedig â’i gilydd i alluogi pawb i gyfrannu’n llawn at fywyd gymaint ag y gallant mewn byd sy'n newid o hyd. Hybu’r gwaith o ddatblygu: Lles meddyliol ac emosiynol Agwedd iach at y corff Amrywiaeth o berthnasoedd cadarnhaol Dealltwriaeth yng nghyd-destun amgylchedd ehangach dysgwyr Cysywllt naturiol â’r Pedwar Diben

5 Importance Pwysigrwydd
Positive health and well-being is a key enabler of learning Importance of developing: understanding of a range of influences on health and well- being the skills to manage these and a challenging consideration of the wider social and ethical issues which arise Importance of developing an AoLE with scope for challenge and rigour, in particular towards the end of the continuum of learning Mae iechyd a lles cadarnhaol yn un o’r prif bethau sy'n galluogi dysgu Pwysigrwydd datblygu: dealltwriaeth o ddylanwadau o bob math ar iechyd a lles sgiliau i reoli’r rhain ac ystyriaeth heriol o’r materion moesegol a chymdeithasol ehangach sy'n codi Pwysigrwydd datblygu Maes Dysgu a Phrofiad sydd â chwmpas ar gyfer her a thrylwyredd, yn enwedig tuag at ddiwedd y continwwm dysgu

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