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A period of crisis? Growth in population of Europe,

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Presentation on theme: "A period of crisis? Growth in population of Europe,"— Presentation transcript:

1 A period of crisis? Growth in population of Europe, leading to overpopulation c Weather in Europe gets colder and wetter Famine and epidemics in Europe

2 Bubonic plague - buboes
Septicaemic plague Pneumonic plague

3 1347 Plague in Italy 1348 Plague in France 1349 Plague in England 1350 Plague throughout Europe. Further outbreaks follow

4 1400 Population of Europe has halved
1665 Last outbreak of plague in England 1720 Last outbreak of plague in France Replacement of black rats by brown rats

5 1345 Faculty of Medicine at the University of
Paris blames the plague on a planetary conjunction 1348 and 1349 massacres of Jews in Germany Oct 1349 Pope orders suppression of flagellants

6 Treatises on the “Art of Dying”
Transitio/cadaver tombs Dance of Death/Danse Macabre

7 1370s Wages rising due to reduced workforce
Sumptuary laws Attempts to limit wage increases Rebellion by peasants and urban workers in Flanders

8 French peasant revolt (Jacquerie), 1358:
Additional causes: lack of protection of peasants from looters, taxes Origins at St Leu north of Paris, but spreads widely Bloodily suppressed

9 English peasants’ rebellion, 1381:
Causes: Controls on wages and peasant mobility, poll tax Begins in Essex, spreads to Kent Peasants take Rochester Castle, Canterbury, march on London

10 King Richard II (r. 1377-99) decides to negotiate
and agrees to end serfdom Rebels continue attacking royal officials Peasants demand that church property be divided among laity, abolition of feudal/manorial system, but in a scuffle Mayor Walworth kills Wat Tyler Rebels dispersed peacefully, but king revokes charters

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