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Tacking unseen literary passages

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1 Tacking unseen literary passages
An introduction to the literary commentary

2 Some basic rules... There really are no rules to analysing a passage of literature. Literary criticism is an ART, not a SCIENCE. There are, however, some strategies that can make it easier to unpack a passage’s meaning and help you form your own interpretation.

3 Poetry Title Paraphrase Connotation Attitude Shifts Theme
Examine the title of the poem. Can you make any predictions? Paraphrase Translate the poem into your own words (literal/denotation). Connotation Examine the poem BEYOND the literal. Attitude Examine the speaker’s and poet’s attitudes (also called tone). Shifts Note shifts (changes) in speaker, attitude, rhetorical stance. Examine the title of the poem AGAIN. Theme List what the poem is about (subjects) and then identify what the poet is saying about these subjects (love).

4 Prose/Drama Setting Character Action Style Ideas
Speculate about the significance of the time and/or place in which the text is set. Character List or summarize such things as the qualities, mannerisms, personalities and appearances that define each significant character; speculate on motivations of characters; note whether characterization appears to be direct or indirect; keep track of changes in characters; speculate on the author’s intent for characterizing as he/she does. Action Note events that seem significant; identify rising action, climax, and resolution. Identify the conflict(s) that are central to the work. Style Style is a broad term which covers aspects such as form/structure symbols images, repeated words, images, ideas, names allusions diction tone and atmosphere rhyme, rhythm, and sound effects other literary conventions of significance Ideas Look for ideas and messages which are embedded ‘below the surface’ of the text. Think about the author’s aims and purposes. Are there any signs of irony or satire?

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