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Faith in Science? An Interdisciplinary community discussion

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1 Faith in Science? An Interdisciplinary community discussion
Montgomery Community College Silver Spring, Maryland February 21, 2006 12/3/2018

2 Introduction How do we discover and correct errors in our beliefs?
Dr. Duncan McIntosh Pastor, First Baptist Church, Silver Spring, MD 12/3/2018

3 My Contribution to the Dialogue
The struggle: Evolution vs. Creationism What I bring to the table Personal Biblical/Theological Wishes Conclusion 12/3/2018

4 The Struggle! Co-existence of 2 fields of inquiry About God
About Nature Conflict since 1632 Renewed in 1859 Intensified in 1925 Politicized in our era Who are the victims and victors? 12/3/2018

5 What I Bring to the Dialogue
Religious background Parental background Pastoral background Academic background 12/3/2018

6 A Literal Interpretaion of Genesis 1
What is a “literal” interpretation? Genesis 1:1 – 2:3 A highly structured poem 7 days in 2 sets of 3 + 1 4 actions in each set of 3 days Moves from “...without form and void” (1:2) To “...finished and all the hosts of them” (2:1) Each set of 3 “days” “forms” or “fills” the universe 7 declarations: “it was (very) good” (days 1-6) Only 1 subject for every verb Therefore, this poem is about God, not nature Summed up in Psalm 24:1 The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof; The world and they that dwell therein.. 12/3/2018

7 The Schematic of Genesis 1:1-2:3
DAY FORMING DAY FILLING 1(vs. 3-5) Light* (vs ) Lights* 2 (vs. 6-8) Firmament 5 (vs ) Birds/Fish* 3 (vs. 9-13) Dry land* 6 (vs.24-30) Animals* Vegetation* Humans Day 7 (1:31-2:3) Completion/Rest God saw every thing that he had made** 12/3/2018

8 What This Means Genesis 1 does not teach science
Science does not teach about God There is conflict when either assumes to do the work of the other The Bible posits a Creator Science studies creation Evolution explains “How?” Faith affirms “Who?” 12/3/2018

9 I WISH... ...we could affirm the value of theology and science
...we could have more humility about our conclusions in either domain ...we could value cooperation over competition 12/3/2018

10 Conclusions There is a middle ground between
An atheistic scientific naturalism An anti-scientific religion “Intelligent design” is a faceless god that honors neither religion nor science The questions of design and complexity merit investigation and dialogue, not debates and courts 12/3/2018

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