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SAT- 10 Information for Parents and Families

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Presentation on theme: "SAT- 10 Information for Parents and Families"— Presentation transcript:

1 SAT- 10 Information for Parents and Families
Welcome and Thank You for Coming!

2 Objectives We will answer the following questions for you…
What is SAT-10? When is SAT-10? What will be expected of my child during testing? How can I help my child get ready for SAT-10?

3 What is SAT-10? Based on Florida Standards
Standards are the skills and concepts your child focuses on in Reading and in Math Standardized test in Reading and Math measuring individual student performance against national norms

4 Scheduling Day One- Reading Comprehension
Day Two- Math Problem Solving Untimed Estimation of minutes for each session

5 When is SAT-10? Test is given in grades 1-2 once a year
SAT begins March 28th- 29th for first and second grade

6 What will be expected of my child during testing?
Focus Stamina Be able to THINK! Know and apply skills and concepts To reach a stanine of 4-6 (average)

7 What topics are tested on the Mathematics portion of SAT-10?
Problem Solving: Number Sense & Operations; Patterns, Relationships & Algebra; Data, Statistics & Probability; Geometry & Measurement; Estimation; Communication & Representation; Mathematical Connections; and Reasoning & Problem Solving.

8 What topics are tested on the Reading portion of SAT-10?
Reading Comprehension *This will be done independently *Variety of Fiction and Non-Fiction Texts

9 How will teachers use the SAT-10 scores to help my child?
Together with other data, teachers use the information to: Plan individualized lessons Make instructional decisions Group students according to strengths/needs

10 How can I help my child get ready for SAT-10?
Communicating with your child’s teacher to discuss strategies Reading with your child and asking comprehension questions {Fiction and Non-Fiction} Studying math facts with your child Providing a quiet environment to study and do homework Have motivating conversations with your child each day

11 Where can I get additional information about helping my child at home? {standards}

12 TIPS Letter going home on Monday, March 20th Good nights sleep
Breakfast every morning Be on time Wear comfortable uniform clothing Stay Positive

13 How do I obtain my child’s SAT results?
Results will be enclosed in final report card.

14 Questions/Comments? ?????????????

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