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tt+jets simulation comparisons

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1 tt+jets simulation comparisons
Kenneth Wraight tt+jets simulation comparisons generator level Fast&Full simulation

2 semileptonic ttbar decays
Looking for 4 jets of interest: 2 b quarks and 2 hadronic W daughters Trigger on lepton: e (>25GeV), μ (>20GeV). (↑Tevatron’s favourite (~85%)) LHC: ~95% gluon-gluon production.

3 Study top quark properties: charge, spin, etc.
Motivations Study top quark properties: charge, spin, etc. Background to associated Higgs production and multi-jet SUSY decays (~1 ttbar event per second for σ=833pb at L=1033cm-2s-1): must be controlled. Ultimate test of generation and simulation software: multiscale QCD calculations

4 exact predictions for fixed orders
First Comparison: & Alpgen Generator level exact predictions for fixed orders higher order MEs with NLO accuracy to describe inclusive rates and LO accuracy for +1 jet Alpgen: approximate predictions for all orders (LL accuracy for FS + N jets) Consistent merging of LO MEs with shower MCs for multiparton FSs ~25k 5200 sample (red): Fully hadronic removed (es&μs) Default cuts Alpgen ~50k homemade (blue): Semileptonic (es only) ptjet ≥ 20GeV ηjet ≤ 6.0, ηbjet ≤ 5.0, ηcjet ≤ 5.0 ΔRjet ≥ 0.7 plots area normalised...

5 Pt & η of generator level tops & Ws

6 Gen level bs & W daughters kinematics

7 Comparing Full Simulation and Fast Simulation
Second Comparison: Fast & Full Simulation Comparing Full Simulation and Fast Simulation Atlfast ~4-5 orders of magnitude faster than Full Simulation Replaces detector simulation and jet reconstruction part of simulation chain with smears on MC truth info Matching GL to Simulation: Begin by finding partons of interest in GL using mother & daughter information Match to shower jets using ΔR≤0.4 (take lowest value) veto any double matches repeat procedure for shower to simulation jets. ~25k 5200 sample Fullsim Pjets (red) Fastsim AFjets (blue) …no longer area normalised.

8 Relative finishing positions of matched b and W daughter jets
Pt-Ordered position within the event of the highest Pt b-quark Pt-Ordered position within the event of the highest Pt W daughter

9 Pt of matched b and W daughter jets
Pt spectrum of b-quark with highest Pt Pt spectrum of W daughter with highest Pt

10 Other jet relative finishing positions and pt
91 corresponds to cluster fragments

11 Reconstruction recipe
poi 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th other W1 W2 b1 b2 ¬poi For triggered events, use jets within η≤3.2, ptjet>20GeV Cut on 5 hardest jets to reduce combinatoric background Reconstruct W using di-jet combinations Uses generator level info for b-vetos Reconstruct top using di-jets in W mass peak to make tri-jet combinations by adding btagged jets Simple reconstruction i.e. no calibration.

12 Fitted top & W reconstructed masses (with ideal btagging)
Fullsim: W: mass , signal , background top: mass , signal , background FastSim: W: mass , signal , background top: mass , signal , background Fitted top & W reconstructed masses (with ideal btagging)

13 Fitted P top & W masses and pt spectra with realistic btagging
Using fullsim b-weights cut=4.0 Fitted P top & W masses and pt spectra with realistic btagging W: mass , signal , background top: mass , signal , background with additional pt<150GeV cut on top candidates: top: mass , signal , background

14 Extra jet Extra jet pt: Jets from “well-reconstructed top” events: b-vetoed and not part of top tri-jet

15 Alpgen partons are slightly harder at generator level
Summary Presented: Alpgen partons are slightly harder at generator level Fullsim & Fastsim comparable for Fullsim provides higher mass W&top on reconstruction So Far: Compared Alpgen & semileptonic tt+jets samples All justify cut on 5 hardest jets top reduce combinatorics similar study possible for semileptonic associated Higgs production To do: Crosscheck and compare with Sherpa Look into calibration and reconstruction efficiencies.

16 ALPGEN: Finishing positions
Back up Alpgen slides... FastSim (blue), FastSim Alpgen (pink) poi 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th other W1 W2 b1 b2 ¬poi Cut on 5 hardest jets is justified!

17 ALPGEN: Gen Level W daughters matched to AF jets
Pt-ordered position within the event of the highest Pt W daughter Pt spectrum of W daughter with highest Pt Pt spectrum of Other W daughter

18 ALPGEN: Gen Level b partons matched to AF jets
Pt-ordered position within the event of the highest Pt b-quark Pt spectrum of b-quark with highest Pt

19 ALPGEN: Gen Level partons matched to AF jets
Other jets’ finishing positions: First-finishing other jets seem to originate form quarks(1-5), gluons(21), photons(22) and cluster fragmentation(91) 

20 Extra jet Extra jet pt: Jets from “well-reconstructed top” events: b-vetoed and not part of top tri-jet Of the original 53,286 event inclusive sample (comparable to ~43,000 ttbar event in first 2 months): 18603 matched from Gen.Level to AtlFast (~35%) 13867 were reconstructed (~26%)

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