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Meier conveys all her interest in the song “Law of Property” to Kurt Iselt if the song has become a hit within one year of its first performance, otherwise.

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Presentation on theme: "Meier conveys all her interest in the song “Law of Property” to Kurt Iselt if the song has become a hit within one year of its first performance, otherwise."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meier conveys all her interest in the song “Law of Property” to Kurt Iselt if the song has become a hit within one year of its first performance, otherwise to Dan Pylman Meier conveys all her interest in the song “Law of Property” to Kurt Iselt, but if the song has not spread on the Internet within one year, to Dan Pylman Meier conveys all her interest in the song “Law of Property” to Dan Pylman if the song has not spread on the Internet within two years Meier conveys all her interest in the song “Law of Property” to Joanna Paul for the original term of the copyright, but if the song has not become a hit within five years, then to Dan Pylman for life and then to Kurt Iselt and his heirs Meier conveys all her interest in the song “Law of Property” to Joanna Paul for the original term of the copyright, but if the song has not become a hit within five years, then to Dan Pylman for life, and then to Kurt Iselt and his heirs Meier conveys all her interest in the song “Law of Property” to Dan Pylman but if total revenue from sales falls below $100,000 in any year after the fifth, then to Kurt Iselt in fee simple absolute. [for next time: do any of these grants violate the Rule Against Perpetuities? Why or why not?]

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