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Priscilla and the Wimps Lit Terms

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1 Priscilla and the Wimps Lit Terms

2 The repetition of initial consonant sounds
Alliteration The repetition of initial consonant sounds Ex. Sally sells sea shells by the sea shore

3 An extreme exaggeration for effect
Hyperbole An extreme exaggeration for effect Ex. I’m so hungry, I could eat a million cheeseburgers!

4 Irony An outcome of events contrary to what was, or might have been, expected to happen. Ex. The Titanic was promoted as being 100% unsinkable; but, in the ship sank on its maiden voyage.

5 The comparison between two unlike things using like or as
Simile The comparison between two unlike things using like or as Ex. You are as blind as a bat!

6 Giving humanlike characteristics to something that is not human
Personification Giving humanlike characteristics to something that is not human Ex. The stars danced playfully in the moonlit sky.

7 Ex. That kid is a real Einstein!
Allusion A reference to a well- known person, place, literary work, historic event, etc. Ex. That kid is a real Einstein!

8 Allusions in “Priscilla”
Garden of Eden: In the Bible, this is the perfect place that God created. It was destroyed when the serpent (snake) entered the garden. The Odd Couple: A TV show in which two men, a neat freak and a slob, were best friends even though they were opposites.

9 Wednesday 2/26/14 Lit. Term Match-up
With your group members, spread out the white cards in the center of your table. Work together to match up each literary term with the appropriate example. Raise your hand when you are finished!

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