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Prepare and conduct interviews

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1 Prepare and conduct interviews
Institut für Bildung, Beruf und Technik Abteilung: Technik und ihre Didaktik Prepare and conduct interviews Heike Arold Selected slides for the teaching unit D2

2 Relevant forms of interviews
Institut für Bildung, Beruf und Technik Abteilung: Technik und ihre Didaktik Relevant forms of interviews Structured Interview (Guidelines supported) Here, all questions are prepared in detail and processed accordingly Open (semi-structured) interview Here are some key questions are prepared as well as a track of communication. It leaves room for open questions that result from answers in addition Questions in advance of the interview Who do I want to interview and what are the requirements of the person? What is the aim of my interview? How should I prepare myself and what should I prepare?

3 Preparation of the interview in the BO - 3 steps
Institut für Bildung, Beruf und Technik Abteilung: Technik und ihre Didaktik Preparation of the interview in the BO - 3 steps Get informed First of all it is necessary to inform yourself, where and how to get relevant data who are important for the interview, e.g. with whom do I conduct the consultation, e.g. for pupils, which are visiting schools. Define the consultation / interview appointment Explain to the counseling person the purpose of the counseling and the interview planned in the course of this counseling and if the person agrees that the interview will be documented. Then place and time as well as the time scale has to be fixed. The appointment should be confirmed verbally or in writing. Do not forget to say thank you if the request for advice was initiated by you. If, on the other hand, you were approached for advice, a friendly and polite reference should be made after making an appointment so that you are also looking forward to the appointment (eases the mood and removes inhibitions from those to be counseled).

4 Preparation of the interview in the BO - 3 steps
Institut für Bildung, Beruf und Technik Abteilung: Technik und ihre Didaktik Preparation of the interview in the BO - 3 steps 3. Preparation of the questions It is good to think about what you want to know and to note the questions accordingly (Attention: There are no worse things than if important questions are forgotten and appear after the interview) Consider the requirements of the respondent – about what can the person answer? Questions for which no answer is expected can be deleted. Structure the questions and bring them in a meaningful and complementary order. The questions should be sorted thematically. Expect that not all questions are answered or answered correctly and in their entirety. Considerations on additional and alternative questions should be made in advance. Attention! Ask questions that lead to a lively conversation and interest and avoid personal questions (except personal issues) and use questions that exclude "yes / no" as an answer.

5 Performing the interview in the BO
Institut für Bildung, Beruf und Technik Abteilung: Technik und ihre Didaktik Performing the interview in the BO Be there in time for the consultation / interview appointment Welcome the person to be counseled / interviewed in a friendly manner and point out that the data / results are documented Brief introduction in which the objective is made clear Directly performance of the interview based on the elaborated question Write down essential aspects of the answers Respond flexibly, if answers come too early or if a question is avoided (use substitute questions) At the end, thank you for the interview and maybe fix a follow-up appointment or explain the further procedure

6 Evaluating the interview in the BO
Institut für Bildung, Beruf und Technik Abteilung: Technik und ihre Didaktik Evaluating the interview in the BO Review the provided information by using the transcript Sort information by importance and unimportance Document crucial information and put it in an order especially against the background of another consultation appointment Depending on the agreement, the give a written feedback about the results to the respondent

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