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Spanish Minimum Income Schemes

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1 Spanish Minimum Income Schemes
This project is co-funded by European Union Spanish Minimum Income Schemes

2 general frame: Spanish Social Security benefits
This project is co-funded by European Union Contributory benefits: unemployment benefit. Obligation to have worked and contributed at least 360 days within the last 6 years. Amount: during the first 180 days the 70% of the basic amount and, from the 6th month on, the 50%. Maximum length: 2 years if there’s been a contribution during the last 6 months. Non-contributory benefits: Plan PREPARA. Renta Activa de Inserción (active income for inclusion). Subsidy for older than 55 years old. Minimum Income.

3 characteristics of Minimum Incomes
This project is co-funded by European Union Descentralized: Autonomous Communities have full responsibility for their regulation, planning, financing, implementation and evaluation. Subsidiary: last-resort social protection safety net in Spain. Complementary to national benefits. Framed within an activation perspective: combination of cash transfer programme with labour market activation and/or social insertion programmes. It is a tool of great importance when fighting against poverty and social exclusion.

4 This project is co-funded by European Union Spanish context As the legal development and funding depends on each Autonomous Community, there are 19 different schemes which were born in different moments and with a high degree of diveristy. Main differences between regions: Duration Legal Protection Supplements Access conditions Amounts

5 dymanic of Autonomous programmes
This project is co-funded by European Union dymanic of Autonomous programmes Tendency to activation: recipients are obliged to sign up and follow a personalised integration plan, as well as to attend certain activities. Two different approaches when offering resources: Protected employment programmes for MIS recipients: specialised training and protected work contracts. Social accompaniment programmes for the development of pathways for inclusion: actions of accompaniment, training and/or labor mediation. In our region, in Castilla y León: “Employment and training for young people at risk of exclusion”. Call for proposals addressed to non-profit organisations and social insertion companies to fund the hiring and training of young people at risk of social exclusion registered at the Youth Guarantee System.

6 Renta Garantizada de Ciudadanía
Guaranteed Minimum Income in Castilla y León This project is co-funded by European Union Renta Garantizada de Ciudadanía Regulation: Law 4/2016 Economic support and Individualised Programme for Inclusion signed by all the family unit. Amounts: Basic amount: from 80% up to 130% of the public index “IPREM”. Supplements: from 10% to 25% depending on the number of members in the family unit. Duties for the beneficiary: Request any other benefit they may have right to. Not turning down any job offer or improvement of job. Maintain all the necessary resources so the minors of the family attend to obligatory education. Fulfill all the compromises reached in the Individualised Programme for Inclusion.

7 Some facts and figures…
Guaranteed Minimum Income in Castilla y León This project is co-funded by European Union Some facts and figures… 3.123 recipients found a job in 2017 3.121 recipients found a job in 2016 2.356 recipients found a job in 2015 1.988 recipients found a job in 2014 2014 2015 2017 2016

8 2014 2015 2016 2017 Guaranteed Minimum Income in Castilla y León
This project is co-funded by European Union 2014 59% women – 41% men 31% between 36 and 45 years old – 26% is between 25 and 35 years old 63% urban areas – 37% in rural areas 40% one member – 60% family burdens 2015 58% women – 42% men 30% between 36 and 45 years old – 20% is between 25 and 35 years old 2016 41% one member – 59% family burdens 12% foreigners 2017 42% one member – 58% family burdens

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