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Presentation on theme: "INTERVIEW SKILLS FOR TEACHERS."— Presentation transcript:


2 BEFORE THE INTERVEW….. Assess your strengths and skills
Prepare and practice Research the school district and school If you are interviewing in a new city, learn about it!

3 Think of questions you might get
Determine what to wear Map the school location Arrive early! Bring extra copies of resume and credentials Portfolio??????

4 WHAT TO WEAR Attitude: SMILE and be genuine Clothing: Be conservative!
Shoes: No flip flops or casual sandals Jewelry: Nothing that dangles – Dress as though you ARE the teacher


6 THE INTERVIEW….. Most Important Thing
“I want to know who you are as a person. It’s o.k. to be nervous, it’s understandable, but somehow show me who you are, what you love, your passion, your confidence, what I can expect if I hire you! Be honest. Be who you are, not what you think I want.” DJM

7 “THE INTERVIEW” You will interview with 4-6 people, usually an administrator is included. You need to be “on” from the moment you enter the school! Anyone you see at the school can be a potential interviewer! Be prepared with questions to ask

8 MOST INTERVIEWS….. Follow this routine
You will meet the interviewer/s, shake hands and start to build some rapport. Be ready for the “talk about yourself” question.

9 At some point the interviewer/s will talk about the position and the district.

10 You will be asked a number of questions to determine your fit with the position and school/district.

11 At the end of the interview, you will be asked if you have any questions. Be prepared!

“Tell me about yourself”…#1 question. Be prepared! What is your philosophy of education? Describe your style of teaching. What are the rules of your classroom? Why do you want to work in our school? Describe an ideal classroom.

13 More possible questions….
How would you handle a student who acted up in class? Talk about culturally responsive instruction ****** How would you integrate technology into your classroom? How would you deal with an angry parent?

14 And more……….. What will you do with a reluctant learner?
What would we miss if we didn’t hire you? What questions do you have for us?

“I have been successful with getting parents involved in the classroom, how active are parents at this school or within the school district.”

16 “I am well versed at integrating computer technology into the classroom, what kind of resources does the school have available.”

17 “Do teachers work in teams? If so, how is this organized.”

18 “ I consider myself a life-long learner, what professional development opportunities will be available.”

19 “Will your school be addressing any major issues this year, such as scheduling, teaming, etc.”

20 “Is there a mentor teacher program available in your school or in the district?”

21 “When do you hope to reach a decision as to who the successful candidate will be, or what is the next step in the hiring process?”

22 TIPS FOR SUCCESS! #1 Do realize you are interviewing the school as well. You want to determine if the organization is a good fit for you.

23 #2 Don’t be negative about former employers, other school districts, your University Supervisor, or tell hard luck stories.

24 #3 Do be aware of the length and conciseness of your answers. You don’t want to have your answers be too long or too short.

25 #4 Don’t inquire about salary, benefits, vacations or pensions until an offer has been made.

26 #5 Do act confident and prepared!

27 Thank You Letter If you choose, send a thank you letter after the interview. It can be a key to efficient follow-up. Send it within 24 hours of the interview. Hand written is preferable.

28 REMEMBER………. “ good interview is about communicating who you are to an interviewer in a very short period of time.”

29 Food for Thought…. “When I interview a job applicant, I am first interested in how he presents himself. How does he look; how is he dressed; what does he say; how does he answer my questions?” —Franklin Murphy, chair, Times-Mirror

30 Good Luck, and Go Get That Job!

31 Additional Resources 2010 Job Search Handbook for Educators (from C.U. Career Center) pp. 17 – 26. November 9, 2009 – Mock Interviews for Fall 2009 Student Teachers 4-6 p.m. Career Services Center


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