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Partnerships Spotlight – Volunteering.

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1 Partnerships Spotlight – Volunteering

2 Volunteer Centre Support
Durham Community Action follows the 5 core functions linked to Volunteer Centre Quality Accreditation: Strategic Development of Volunteering. Good Practice Development. Developing Volunteering Opportunities. Voice for Volunteering. Brokerage. Start of by asking the group why they think people volunteer. Then give a few of our examples on slide.

3 Strategic Development of Volunteering
County Durham Partnership. Volunteering Strategy. Develop and deliver Volunteer Passport. Develop and deliver the Volunteer Kitemark. Start of by asking the group why they think people volunteer. Then give a few of our examples on slide.

4 Good Practice Support Advice to organisations. Good practice guides.
Volunteer Kitemark. County Durham Volunteer Co-ordinators Forum. Peer support. County Durham Kitemark. Start of by asking the group why they think people volunteer. Then give a few of our examples on slide.

5 Volunteer Kitemark Aims to overcome barriers to volunteering
Originally discussed at County Durham Volunteer Co-ordinators Forum Supported by County Durham Partnership Highlights volunteering is not cost free Encourages good practice Compliments other Volunteering standards Recognised Quality Standard Ask why people don’t volunteer and then go through a few on the slide

6 Kite Mark Sections The Kite Mark has 6 sections that record evidence to show that the organisation: Is fair and accessible to all volunteers Delivers a positive volunteering experience Has correct policies, applies good practice Has support and supervision within the role Legal, safe; all protected Consults with Volunteers

7 Kite Mark Presentation
This process can be adapted to all volunteer recruitment and roles but as for now we are going to look at recruitment of trustees

8 Volunteer Passport Aims to provide a pre-volunteering course as a first step for those with an interest in volunteering. Accredited at Entry Level 3/Level 1 with qualification Tutor led Group Sessions Generic skills can cover all volunteering roles Complete a workbook Speakers from different organisations Use of Volunteering Passport folder Support into volunteering This process can be adapted to all volunteer recruitment and roles but as for now we are going to look at recruitment of trustees

9 Volunteer Passport This process can be adapted to all volunteer recruitment and roles but as for now we are going to look at recruitment of trustees

10 BBO Reaching Out Across Durham
Volunteer Passport BBO Reaching Out Across Durham 100 volunteering opportunities from ROAD Partners. Interviews for individuals on ROAD Programme. DCA will provide co-ordination and liaison with ROAD Partners to promote existing volunteering opportunities. Shared protocol of referral for the referral, measurement. and promotion of existing volunteering opportunities. Standardising volunteer training. This process can be adapted to all volunteer recruitment and roles but as for now we are going to look at recruitment of trustees

11 Volunteer Passport Durham Works Contract based within the programme.
Delivery of Volunteer Passport within South Durham area. Working with 30 learners. Referrals from support staff and other providers. Support into volunteering opportunities Ongoing support to learners This process can be adapted to all volunteer recruitment and roles but as for now we are going to look at recruitment of trustees

12 Any questions? Contact Details:

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