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Working Group on cultural statistics - Luxembourg 30 June/1 July 2008

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1 Working Group on cultural statistics - Luxembourg 30 June/1 July 2008
An ESSnet on culture Working Group on cultural statistics - Luxembourg 30 June/1 July 2008

2 A ESSnet, in practical term
Multi-beneficiary grant (“donation”) Need for one coordinator (at least administrative issues) Co financing principle (90%) Can cover: Staff working on the project (including administrative coordination) Meetings, travels Limited studies or sub-contracts Equipments, consumables, etc Should cover all the statistical organisations having costs other than travel/subsistence Organised on a limited number of themes / networks / workpackages Ownership of the project with the beneficiaries Involvement of Eurostat Working Group on cultural statistics - Luxembourg 30 June/1 July 2008 Name of the presentation

3 Beneficiaries - signatories
Budget - Costs Beneficiaries - signatories Theme A member (no cost) Theme A participant (having costs) Theme A member (no cost) Theme A coordinator Theme A member (no cost) Theme A member (no cost) Theme A participant (having costs) Main Coordinator- (admin at least) Theme B coordinator Study Theme C coordinator Working Group on cultural statistics - Luxembourg 30 June/1 July 2008 Name of the presentation

4 Themes to be addressed Framework of cultural statistics
State of the art in cultural statistics Cultural employment Cultural/creative industries International exchanges of goods and services Expenditure on culture Social aspects (participation, provision) Working Group on cultural statistics - Luxembourg 30 June/1 July 2008 Name of the presentation

5 Typical work of a theme / network
Composition: one theme coordinator, 1 to 3 participants (with costs), 5-6 members The coordinator, helped by participants makes proposals At the occasion of a (virtual) meeting, the other participants and members react, contribute and endorse The outcome is disseminated to all countries, for comments if deemed useful The Eurostat Working Group on Culture Statistics remains the final forum for adoption Eurostat team supports and provides advices Working Group on cultural statistics - Luxembourg 30 June/1 July 2008 Name of the presentation

6 A two year first implementation
Kick-off meeting: all the participants agreed on detailed work programme Initial conference, for dissemination of the planned work to all interested parties (all MS, international bodies, experts, etc) – Spring 2009 Networks start their work Intermediate report at the occasion of the November WG Work continues Final conference at the end of the period, for results dissemination Evaluation, as part of the ESSnet Working Group on cultural statistics - Luxembourg 30 June/1 July 2008 Name of the presentation

7 … and what is left for Eurostat??
As little as possible… Work programme, follow up Work with, support to the coordinators Participation to the meetings Contributions to working documents International dimension, negotiations, representation Access to and extractions from the databases … and leadership Working Group on cultural statistics - Luxembourg 30 June/1 July 2008 Name of the presentation

8 Next steps Formal launch of the call for proposal (September) – only addressed to the countries identified previously and today Deadline for submission: end of October Contract signature: by the end of the year At the end of the two years life of the ESSnet: evaluation Working Group on cultural statistics - Luxembourg 30 June/1 July 2008 Name of the presentation

9 Today To advise on the feasibility of the ESSnet
To prioritise and possibly to group the themes To advise on more detailed content To identify the participants – ESSENTIAL Working Group on cultural statistics - Luxembourg 30 June/1 July 2008 Name of the presentation

10 Candidate countries for ESSnet:
The United Kingdom Danemark Italy (?) Spain Austria (?) Slovenia (?) France - methodology, framework Finland - social aspects, employment, satellite accounts Luxembourg (?) The Netherlands (?) Slovakia? Sweden? Germany? ? Working Group on cultural statistics - Luxembourg 30 June/1 July 2008 Name of the presentation

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