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CIA Functions Directorate for Intelligence Clandestine Services

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2 CIA Functions Directorate for Intelligence Clandestine Services
David Petraeus Director, CIA Legal Counsel Analysis of Information Directorate for Intelligence Clandestine Services Creates Tech for Intel Collection Directorate for Science & Tech Clandestine Intel Collection Covert Operations

3 Covert Action: Defined
US Government sponsored activity in a foreign country Deemed essential to national security Activity itself may not be a secret US role in the activity to remain secret, at least for a time. Covert action not “owned” by CIA

4 Covert Action: Planning
Begins with an idea, tasked out by NSC staff A Finding is prepared by an Executive Branch agency The Finding works its way up through each involved department/agency, reaching the “Principals” (cabinet secretaries in NSC) President signs the Finding, giving agencies authority to conduct the covert action. The Finding spells out reporting requirements so NSC can monitor (but not run) the operation

5 Covert Action: Oversight
Finding to House and Senate intelligence committees. Congressional approval not normally required unless $ needed However, if committee members really disapprove, can do any of the following: Warn the President not to do it Refer the Finding to congressional leadership for resolution Leak it to the press Periodic reports to intelligence committees during the operation


7 Covert Action: Planning
Begins with an idea, whatever its source. Either tasked out by the NSC staff or reaches NSC after having come up from a department or agency A Finding is prepared by the lead agency with help from supporting agencies (all in the Executive Branch). The Finding works its way up through each involved department/agency, going through legal reviews and meetings of all planners, then “Deputies” and finally the “Principals” (cabinet level secretaries in the NSC) If most agree, the Finding is forwarded to the President. If he signs the Finding, the agencies now have authority to conduct the covert action.

8 Covert Action: Oversight
Within days/hours the Finding must be given to the House and Senate select intelligence committees. Unless $ are needed from Congress, or unless a previous law requires it, the President does not normally need Congressional approval to conduct the covert action. However, if the committee members really disapprove, they can: Warn the President not to do it Refer the Finding to Congressional leadership for resolution Leak it to the press All of the above

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