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Perceptions of online group work

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Presentation on theme: "Perceptions of online group work"— Presentation transcript:

1 Perceptions of online group work
Vic Nicholas, Nick Braithwaite, Sarah Chyriwsky, Dave Edwards and Mark Hirst

2 Research Questions and methods Initial work Findings Where next?
Outline Origin and context Research Questions and methods Initial work Findings Where next?

3 Origin and context: background
This work originated from an eSTEeM project on student perception of online group work at L1 (forum and Elluminate). An unexpected finding was negative comments about group work. “the only problem was having to rely on other people” “people were late” “everyone was being too polite and deadlines got pushed back, it got messy” SX*288 students had to contribute to an interdisciplinary online project as part of their EMA. Lots of useful literature about group working online: Haresnape, Janet (2015). Student perceptions of an assessed, online, collaborative activity. Practitioner Research in Higher Education, 9(1) pp. 18–37. Robinson, Kathy (2013). The interrelationship of emotion and cognition when students undertake collaborative group work online: an interdisciplinary approach. Computers and Education, 62 pp –307. Janet’s task fixed and defined - positive outcome. Kathy’s project older and based on First Class – focused on things that inhibited collaborative work.

4 Origin and context: SX*288
SX*288 12B, 13B & 14B Students on five different themes of SX*288 study in their themes for 26 weeks. For the final 8 weeks they are mixed into new interdisciplinary project groups. Each team had roles of editor, time keeper etc Each presentation had a different project Number of students Number of teams Average team size 12B 358 36 10 13B 600 68 9 14B 934 103

5 Origin and Context: Project
Geocardigia: Exploring habitibility ‘’Propose investigations for this imagined scenario’’

6 Origin and context: Team Report
Typical output of final project Collaborative project output from a single team of 6-10 students.

7 Reflections on their team: EMA questions (25%)
Origin and Context Reflections on their team: EMA questions (25%) What were the benefits and drawbacks of working on this problem as a team? Provide evidence of these benefits and drawbacks (200 – 300 words.) Consider your own learning on this module. As a result of this experience, what advice would you give to anyone considering undertaking a team-working project? (300 – 400 words.) If you had the opportunity to do the project again with the same people/resources/time what would you do differently and why? (100 – 150 words.)

8 How were the tools we provided for collaborative work used?
Questions How were the tools we provided for collaborative work used? Forums, Wikis and OULive (Elluminate) Do they help or do they hinder ? Do they use others ? [GoogleDocs, , DoodlePoll] Student Perceptions What obstacles do they report ? Did students see the benefits of team working? Can we develop common themes for thematic analysis of larger cohorts ? Given the importance of team working in employability

9 Example of team forum activity
New Discussions: 2483 Replies: n = 600 students Teams got a new forum with prompts on various aspects of the team project used to initiate discussion and to provide feedback etc. Range of individual participation from the very active to the rather inactive (note these students were all considered to have participated..there are other streams such as wiki/report writing and OULive) Traffic over the period of the team project (end of the module having studied their own specialised strands) 13B Presentation 151 subscribed to their EMA forum (all posts) 37 to between 1-15 specific discussions) -31.3% subscribe.

10 Initial work and research methods
Random sub-set of 35 SX*288 EMA scripts from 14B were analysed by two ALs with experience on the module (Sarah Chyriwsky and Dave Edwards) Looked for themes that emerged from the reflection questions and each wrote a report Vic and Mark read through these reports independently and pulled out common themes Nvivo analysis on a further 15 EMAs (from all presentations)

11 Findings: Common Themes
‘I think this was one of those instances where the difficulty in communicating became apparent; it’s a lot more difficult trying to figure things out and communicate online than when working in a group who are all in the same room…..’ Communication online (18/33)

12 Findings: Common Themes
Knowledge of team members Time management Sharing workload Personalities Communication online Shared Expertise & Skills Team greater than its parts Roles within the team Team set-up

13 Findings: Similar themes
Kathy Robinson (2013) 35/40 students surveyed used at least one of these terms Virtual residential school run in psychology programme, teams 4-8 students, all communication via FirstClass. It is the last grouping: the reflective component that tend sto produce the mor epositive comments… Autonomy: Things that are beyond their own control, dependence upon other group members’ participation, skills and experience and on the technology Virtual others: working with team members that you have never met F2F using only e-communications Communicating online: Impacts on progress and achievement (delays,gaps etc) Reflections on collaborative work: Expressing their perspective about the value of collaborative learning.

14 Findings: Recognising the Benefits
People bring different strengths (KU, expertise) Division of labour Learn about other approaches to science Learn about other approaches to report writing Support team members less able to contribute Motivation to not let the team down Increased self confidence

15 Upon Reflection: What students say helps…..
Start team work promptly Project prompts Participating regularly Communicating well Forum threads: short with clear subjects Posting summaries Being clear about availability Elluminate: good for brainstorming and real time discussions good for prompting Forum subscription ?

16 End of module reflection (14B) (Marcus Brodeur PhD project)
Summary The obstructions and difficulties are very apparent during the team working activity Students do see benefits upon reflection End of module reflection (14B) (Marcus Brodeur PhD project) 57% major or profound improvement in ability to work collaboratively n=236

17 Deeper dives using themes
Next stages Deeper dives using themes Specific activity groups High/low Elluminate High/Low Forum All members of a team What we hope to get from it: How we create teams How to develop team working skills Nature of the team task Thanks: Shailey Minocha & Marcus Brodeur

18 Basic slides on the cohort

19 Team size and Forum Traffic
N = 81 teams posts Team size, whilst averaging 9, did include some larger teams (for various management reasons made by the individual AL)…but there is an association between forum posts and team size (perhaps not surprisingly)…these data taken from 13 and 14B. Mean +/- SD

20 Obstructions provided by us
Forums: Number of posts, inflexibility of forum threads (edit/split/merge) Elluminate: technical issues, microphone use Wiki: limited editing access

21 Forum use and Elluminate activity
342 Team-based (student led and organised) Elluminate sessions Teams given moderator status to run their own Elluminate sessions…we have data on the number of recordings, in this case for 13B.

22 From Sarah’s analysis of 35 EMA reflections
Common themes From Sarah’s analysis of 35 EMA reflections How collaboration worked at different stages Initial perceptions of group work Structure of the team and how it functions Benefits and obstacles of team work Participation – big groups and personalities Assessment criteria Trust How technology helps or hinders What they did to make it work What they didn’t do but recognised would have been good! Some themes came through more strongly than others. Some themes were mentioned in nearly every EMA, others in just one or two EMAs. These themes map onto Kathy’s four themes (1 constraints on autonomy, 2 reflections about collaboration, 3 virtual others and 4 communicating online)

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