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Biopsy of musculoskeletal tumors

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1 Biopsy of musculoskeletal tumors
Waleed Awwad, MD, FRCSC

2 Introduction Critical procedure. Influence on the outcome.
Methodology. Physician performing the biopsy. Malignant soft tissue and bone tumors. Treatment of patients. Biopsy is performed.

3 Imaging Most commonly used imaging. Information from imaging:
- Anatomic localization. - Vital structures. - Area most appropriate for biopsy. - Choice of technique.

4 Principles of biopsy Performed. Minimize contamination.
- Deep lesions. - Approaches. - Healthy skin. - Biopsy tract. - Meticulous hemostasis: closed biopsy, open soft tissue and bone. Incision orientation.

5 Principles of biopsy

6 Principles of biopsy

7 Principles of biopsy Percutaneous technique Biopsy types:
> Closed. > Open. Percutaneous technique Imaging is needed or Not. Type and size of biopsy needle.

8 Percutaneous technique

9 Percutaneous technique
Fine needle aspiration (FNA): - Most appropriate. - Material aspirated. - Advantage. - Disadvantage. - Results.

10 Percutaneous technique
Core needle biopsy. - Needle gauge. - Tissue sample and architecture. - Advantages. - Disadvantages. - Results.

11 Open techniques Incisional biopsy: - Gold standard.
- Despite this fact. - Advantage. - Disadvantage. - Results.

12 Open techniques

13 Open techniques Excisional biopsy: - Used. - Advantages.
- Disadvantages.

14 Summary Biopsy has a big impact. Biopsy plane.
Closed biopsy techniques. Radiologist and pathologist. Physician performing the definitive treatment.

15 Thank you

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