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RAS Strategy This template can be used as a starter file for presenting training materials in a group setting. Sections Right-click on a slide to add sections.

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Presentation on theme: "RAS Strategy This template can be used as a starter file for presenting training materials in a group setting. Sections Right-click on a slide to add sections."— Presentation transcript:

1 RAS Strategy This template can be used as a starter file for presenting training materials in a group setting. Sections Right-click on a slide to add sections. Sections can help to organize your slides or facilitate collaboration between multiple authors. Notes Use the Notes section for delivery notes or to provide additional details for the audience. View these notes in Presentation View during your presentation. Keep in mind the font size (important for accessibility, visibility, videotaping, and online production) Coordinated colors Pay particular attention to the graphs, charts, and text boxes. Consider that attendees will print in black and white or grayscale. Run a test print to make sure your colors work when printed in pure black and white and grayscale. Graphics, tables, and graphs Keep it simple: If possible, use consistent, non-distracting styles and colors. Label all graphs and tables.

2 Developing the RAS for the future
Taskforce Report from February 2010 a substantial number of those recommendations have been actioned or proposed in several cases members rejected the suggestions 2011 – 2016 strategy RAS District/Executive meeting 23 February 2018 One District has since provided feedback

3 Purpose of this session
Introduce the thinking Feedback and input Sign off the strategy Identify projects and volunteers

4 Why, how and what

5 Why A vision outlines why we: It is future focused. do what we do, and
what we aspire to be. It is future focused.

6 RAS elements of why A&P societies are a key part of the local community Engaging youth Unique traditions and history Showcase rural life and industry Strength as a partner

7 The RAS why Supporting members to promote rural excellence, sustainability and innovation

8 How Values determine how we go about doing things.
They outline what is important to us, what is good and bad. They serve as a broad outline for the way everyone in the movement should act and how we make decisions.

9 RAS how With Integrity “Impeccable manners” (from a presentation at conference 2017) Dignity and professionalism (tackle issues not personalities) The efforts of all competitors and volunteers should be appreciated Its ok to have different opinions and views which should be both respected and expressed appropriately Support decisions once they are made – participate in making a decision but then back it, even if its not your first choice Focus on both the A&Ps and their customers (competitors)

10 RAS how In Collaboration Work with others, not against them
Develop people, enable them to gain more skills for the benefit of the movement Work effectively with and support each other - member societies, A&Ps, affiliated breeds and kindred societies, competitors and supporters Encourage and enable people to be involved in making decisions Work together to do what we said we would do Assist and promote the A&P showing movement through facilitating collaboration of members (from the constitutional objectives)

11 RAS how Good Intent Our communities and our place in them
Partnerships with various stakeholders (competitors / sponsors / tradies / volunteers) Add value for all stakeholders

12 What What do we want to focus on in the future?
To achieve the why, what do we all need to focus on? What specific things do we need to do to get there?

13 The RAS what Being member driven Relevance Strengthen the movement
Develop the next generation Professionalism

14 RAS what – Being member driven
Members are encouraged to be actively involved in the RAS and are included in decisions, discussions and provide feedback The RAS adds value to members, delivering what they need including appropriate systems and tools e.g. health and safety support Districts are the key operational arm of the RAS, proactively and positively working with (and as an extension of) the Executive and Head Office

15 RAS what - Relevance Support A&Ps as they focus on running their event or events Provide support and information to our members and the general public Support on issues e.g. M Bovis RAS logo valued by A&P shows Competitions that might appeal to people who do not currently compete at A&P shows. Share initiatives e.g. “plastic free” shows Develop and implement a plan for promoting the development of the Agricultural, Pastoral, Forestry, Horticultural, Viticultural, Agri-business and stock-raising resources of New Zealand and any activities which may be connected with or deemed to be beneficial to such resources (from the constitutional objectives)

16 RAS what - Strengthen the movement
Establish strong partnerships with central and local Government, including key departments Maintain sufficient funds to both operate and progress Continue to build Royal Shows as premier events Identify potential sponsorship or commercial partners and develop relationships with them Support members wanting to move beyond running a show Expand beyond equestrian dominated competitions Increase visibility via proactive media campaigns and engaging with key stakeholders

17 RAS what – Develop the next generation
Encourage and support competitors as they start out, compete and meet their goals Enable and develop people within our member’s organisations and RAS officials e.g. judges and officials, ensuring that we have a strong and capable group of people available to the movement Next Generation Committees and build the relationship with Young Farmers

18 RAS what - Professionalism
Build positivity within the RAS membership and movement and its greater interests Embed the RAS values into the movement Focus on issues not personalities Build pride in the brand Develop a suite of branded items Establish a communications plan Embed opportunities for all competitors to provide feedback

19 What’s next? Is this strategy right? What’s missing?
Agree the strategy Suggest projects Volunteer for projects Plan and report back

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