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Cervical radiculopathy

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Presentation on theme: "Cervical radiculopathy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cervical radiculopathy
Case presentation Presenter‘s name Arial 24 pt Meeting Arial 24 pt Presenter‘s title Arial 20 pt City, Month, Year Arial 20 pt

2 32-year-old man Sudden onset of right arm pain Numbness extending into the right thumb and index finger Weakness of his right arm Past history of similar pain 12 months earlier that resolved in three weeks without specific treatment

3 Discuss the MRI findings and significance in relation to the patients symptoms and the natural history of his condition.

4 Patient referred by PCP after 5 days of pain without significant relief from NSAIDs and strong analgesics for assessment and treatment What would you advise and recommend?

5 Patient returns after 2 weeks
Persistent pain No change in his neurological status What now?

6 Discuss the MRI findings and significance in relation to the patients symptoms and the natural history of his condition.

7 Patient returns 3 weeks after undergoing a right C5/6 foraminal injection
Complete relief of pain for 3 hours after marcaine infiltration Pain returned but then eased over the next few days After 10 days pain returned and no change in neurological status What now? Treatment options?

8 Having failed nonoperative treatment over 2 months with persistent symptoms of principally right arm pain, patient elected to undergo surgical intervention Complete relief of both neck and arm pain Return to normal sedentary work after 4 weeks

9 Excellence in Spine

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