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Do now! Write down 3 things that you have done in the last week that have polluted the environment.

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Presentation on theme: "Do now! Write down 3 things that you have done in the last week that have polluted the environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do now! Write down 3 things that you have done in the last week that have polluted the environment

2 HW Learn your keywords for a keyword test next week

3 Pollution To define the term pollution and describe the different forms To analyse the causes and solutions to different forms of pollution To evaluate whether we have a responsibility towards the environment Starter: How might we define the term ‘pollution’? It can be caused by land, air and water Can you think of any examples of pollution caused by land, air and water and what effects it might cause.

4 The threat of pollution
Types of pollution Causes Solutions

5 The Threat of Pollution
1. Acid Rain The burning of fossil fuels releases sulphuric and nitric acid which goes into the atmosphere and changes the rain water in clouds making it acidic. It can burn things when it comes to Earth. Buildings and forests are being destroyed by acid rain.

6 The Threat of Pollution
2. Human Waste Refuse, rubbish and sewage is a major threat to the future of the planet. Europe produces 2.5 billion tons of solid waste per year and New York throws out 26,000 tons per day. Litter has helped increase the rat population of the UK to 70 million! These bring diseases such as Weil’s disease. It is estimated a fire breaks out every 12 minutes because of litter.

7 The Threat of Pollution
3. Eutrophication An excess of nitrates, nitrites and phosphates in rivers leads to a lack of oxygen and an increase in aquatic plants, which is causing fish to die and poisons to enter water supplies. This is caused by fertilisers being washed into streams, sewage pollution, and the lack of trees to soak up the nitrogen. This could lead to major health problems for humans such as septicaemia.

8 The Threat of Pollution
4. Radioactive Pollution Nuclear power stations do not produce carbon dioxide, but do produce nuclear waste which takes thousands of years to be safe. Waste is buried without knowing if the storage boxes will be able to contain it safely for this length of time. When living things come into contact with radiation, they can be killed, get cancer or have seriously ill offspring.

9 How can we stop this pollution?

10 1. Acid Rain Possible Solutions
Closely connected with the solution to the Greenhouse effect. If we stop using fossil fuels Then acid rain will not be produced. Electricity Needs to be made using alternative methods.

11 2. Human Waste Possible Solutions
Use a combination of recycling, incinerators to produce electricity, and methane from sewage as a fuel for power stations. However, reusing glass bottles uses more energy due to sterilisation and incinerating things is a source of greenhouse gases. People need to stop dropping litter!!!! You can get a fine for dropping it. Councils have to clean up areas if people make complaints. So complain!!!

12 3. Eutrophication Possible Solutions
Already being cut down by improved sewage treatment and less use of phosphates as detergents (for cleaning). An increase in organic farming is increasing the amount of nitrates in streams due to the amount of manure being used in fields.

13 4. Radioactive Pollution
Possible Solutions 4. Radioactive Pollution Some nuclear waste can be reprocessed. This means that 97% of the waste can be reused. But the other 3% has to be stored. The safest method for this is burying it deep underground so that the radiation can not escape and harm people.

14 We all have a responsibility to look after the environment
Unsure What do I think? Totally wrong Totally Right

15 Time for a debate! No shouting out No such thing as wrong answers
All points must be explained Respond/link back to other people’s points Try to give examples/evidence for your arguments

16 We all have a responsibility to look after the environment
Unsure What do I think? Totally wrong Totally Right

17 d) “We all have a responsibility to look after the environment.”
Do you agree? (3 marks) Give reasons why people may disagree with you (3marks)

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