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Matv^taai 24:23-26 Matthew 24:23-26

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1 Matv^taai 24:23-26 Matthew 24:23-26
Oix Zuqc Faix Fim Taux Njaaux Jaav Leiz Nyei Jiu Baang Be Aware of A False Church Matv^taai 24:23-26 Matthew 24:23-26 Sunday/October 17, 2010

2 23 "Wuov zanc, se gorngv haaix dauh mbuox meih mbuo, 'Mangc gaax, Giduc yiem naaiv!' fai 'Giduc yiem wuov!' maiv dungx sienx. 23 At that time if anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the Christ!' or, 'There he is!' do not believe it.

3 24 Weic zuqc maaih mienh gorngv ninh mbuo zoux Giduc mv baac jaav nyei, aengx maaih jaav douc waac mienh oix cuotv daaih. Ninh mbuo oix zoux domh jangx-hoc caux mbuoqc horngh nyei sic nduov mienh. Se gorngv haih nduov duqv zuqc nor, ninh mbuo oix liemh Tin-Hungh ginv daaih nyei mienh nduov. 24 For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect—if that were possible.

4 25 See, I have told you ahead of time.
25 Muangx oc. Naaiv deix sic maiv gaengh cuotv yie jaa-ndaangc mbuox ziangx meih mbuo. 25 See, I have told you ahead of time.

5 26 "Hnangv naaic, se gorngv maaih mienh mbuox meih mbuo, 'Mangc maah
26 "Hnangv naaic, se gorngv maaih mienh mbuox meih mbuo, 'Mangc maah! Ninh yiem wuov deic-bung-huaang,' maiv dungx cuotv mingh lorz. Mienh aengx gorngv, 'Mangc maah! Ninh yiem biauv gu'nyuoz,' maiv dungx sienx. 26 "So if anyone tells you, 'There he is, out in the desert,' do not go out; or, 'Here he is, in the inner rooms,' do not believe it.

6 Biux Mengh Waac Introduction
Ih hnoi naaiv douc Ging-Sou Yesu mbuox mbuo oix zuqc mbungh taux njaaux jaav leiz nyei mienh yiem buo nyungc jauv. In today’s scripture, Jesus taught us to be aware of false teachers in three things: (1)Maiv dungx muangx njaaux jaav leiz nyei mienh nduov mbuo (ys. 23). Do not listen to false teachers to deceived you (vs. 23)

7 (2) “Ninh mbuo oix zoux domh jangx-hoc caux mbuoqc horngh nyei sic nduov mienh. Se gorngv haih nduov duqv zuqc nor, ninh mbuo oix liemh Tin-Hungh ginv daaih nyei mienh nduov”(ys. 24b) “They will perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect—if that were possible.” (vs. 24b)

8 (3) “Naaiv deix sic maiv gaengh cuotv yie jaa-ndaangc mbuox ziangx meih mbuo” (ys. 25).
“I have told you ahead of time (vs. 25)

9 (4) "Hnangv naaic, se gorngv maaih mienh mbuox meih mbuo, 'Mangc maah
(4) "Hnangv naaic, se gorngv maaih mienh mbuox meih mbuo, 'Mangc maah! Ninh yiem wuov deic-bung-huaang,' maiv dungx cuotv mingh lorz. Mienh aengx gorngv, 'Mangc maah! Ninh yiem biauv gu'nyuoz,' maiv dungx sienx” (ys.26) "So if anyone tells you, 'There he is, out in the desert,' do not go out; or, 'Here he is, in the inner rooms,' do not believe it” (vs.26).

10 I. Weic haaix Diuc – What could Happen:
(1) Weic naaiv, mbuo gauh oix zuqc muangx longx mbuo haiz jiex nyei zien leiz. Maiv zei aeqv, nziex mbuo haih leih zien leiz go. (Hipv^lu 2:1). We must pay more careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away. (Hebrews 2:1)

11 (2) Oix zuqc ging jienv hnyouv goux longx ganh caux Tin-Hungh nyei jiu baang, maiv dungx bun njaaux jaav leiz nyei mienh nduov (Gong-Zoh 20:28-30). Be alert, protect yourselves and the church of God, do not let the false teachers to deceived you (Acts 20:28-30)

12 II. Haih Hoic Zuqc Mbuo Nyei Jauv Se The effect it could have
(1) Yiem mbuo sienx nyei jauv. What we believe (Acts 20:30) (2) Mbuo nyei yiem-lamz jauv. How we live (1 Cor. 15:33) (3) Buonh deic jiu baang nyei qaqv. Strength of local churches (Acts 20:29) (4) Mbuo nyei lingh wuonh nyei dorngx. Destiny of our souls (Acts 20:29-30)

13 Wuov nyungc mbuo haih hnangv haaix nor zoux? What can we do?:
Oix zuqc samx mangc yaac mbungh jienv (Gong-Zoh 20:31). Watch & be alert (Acts 20:31)

14 Manc-manc & Domc Nyei Mingh
Gradually & Slowly Hipv^lu 2:1- Hebrews 2:1

15 Manc-Manc Tiuv Jienv Mingh Jaav Nyei Jauv
Gradual Steps Toward Apostasy 1. Tiuv mbuo zoux nyei eix-leiz. Change in attitude 2. Mbuo gorngv nyei waac caux hnamv nyei jauv. The way we talk and thinks. 3. Manc-manc jiex naaic naaiv naaic wuov yaac Hoqc zoux jaav nyei maiv horpc nyei jauv. Slowly Introduce questionable practices. 4. Buangv nzengc siang-za’eix. Full innovation.

16 III. Mau Nyei Zunh Doz Jauv. Soft Preaching
A. Horpc zuqc zunh haaix nyungc jauv. What preaching should be: 1. Douc-douc Ging-Sou nyei waac. Biblical in content (1 Peter 4:11) 2. Longx caux ciouv nyei jauv. Positive & negative (2 Timothy 4:2-5) 3. Haih bun duqv nqoi longx caux waac nyei jauv. Distinctive good and bag (1 John 4:6)

17 B. Zunh doz mau nyei jangx-hoc se. Signs of softer preaching:
1. Deix baav Ging-Sou nyei waac hnangv fai liemh yietc deix yaac mv maaih. Little or no Scripture. 2. Maiv gorngv taux Ging-Sou. Message says nothing. 3. Maiv haih bun nqoi longx caux waaic. Not able to distinctive between good and bad. 4. Maiv oix haaix nyungc jauv saeqv zuqc mienh. Don’t want anything will offend.

18 Mau Nyei Zunh Doz. Soft Preaching
C. Aqc duqv zieqv. Hard to identify 1. Maiv zeiz gorngv haaix nyungc. Not what ARE saying. 2. Haaix nyungc yaac maiv zeiz gorngv. It is what ARE NOT saying.

19 III. Mau Nyei Zunh Doz Waac Soft Preaching.
D. Haiz Zoux Bun - Effect: 1. Jiu baang mienh caux jiu baang mau yiem zuiz nyei jauv. Weaker Christians & churches in sin. 2. Hungh heic gan baamh nyei waaic sic Tolerant environment. 3. Fong fai hungh heic bun zuiz bieqc nyei gorn-ndoqv. Fertile ground for error.

20 IV. Mau Yiem Baamh Gen Nyei Jauv. Soft On Worldliness
A. Baamh gen nyei jauv se. Worldliness is: Zoux zuiz bun mbuo haih caux duqv baamh gen njiec . Participation in sin that makes us like the world 1. Ciangx heix. Dancing (Prom) Zorng-zuqv maiv horpc. Immodesty Caux doic hopv diuv. Social Drinking Zomc jaax & hienx auv hienx nqox. Petting & Fornication

21 B. Mau nyei nyungc zeiv. Signs of being soft:
1. Zunh doz doix-dekc zuiz nyei jauv deix baav fai liemh mv maaih. Little or no preaching against it 2. Dongh maaih zoux zuiz wuov deix mingh mi’aqv. Those who participate - left alone. 3. Diex maac, zunh doz mienh, caux mienh gox yietc zungv zoux fih hnangv nyei. Parents, preachers & elders doing the same thing!

22 C. Zuiz haih zoux bun. Sin must be dealt with
1. Lingh wuonh haih buangh hiuang-hienv nyei sic. Souls are in danger (1 John 2:15-17) 2. Maaih deix baav zunh doz nyei jauv – zien hnangv Part of preaching - truth (2 Timothy 4:2)

23 V. Waaic nyei jaav nyei jauv caux njaaux nyei mienh
V. Waaic nyei jaav nyei jauv caux njaaux nyei mienh. Tolerant of error and its teachers A. Jaav nyei jauv se hiuang-hienv nyei sic – oix zuqc jangx jienv. Error is dangerous - must be marked. 1 Ko^lin^to 15:33 – 1 Corinthians 15:33 Lomaa 16:17-18 – Romans 16:17-18 2 Ti^mo^tai 2:10-12 – 2 Timothy 2:16-18 2 Te^saa^lo^ni^gaa – 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12

24 B. Haih diev duqv jaav nyei jauv camv se Efforts to be more tolerant
Nyangc duqv jaav nyei jauv caux jaav nyei fin-saeng. Tolerant of error and its teachers B. Haih diev duqv jaav nyei jauv camv se Efforts to be more tolerant 1. Mangc jangv nyei jauv. Broaden the scope of Romans 14 2. Mangc hepc nyei jauv taux “njaaux jaav leiz nyei fin-saeng. Narrow the scope of “false teacher”

25 Lomaa – Romans 14 ? 1. Tin-Hungh zipv ninh. God received him (v. 3)
Doctrine Faith Morals Indifference Liberty ? 1. Tin-Hungh zipv ninh. God received him (v. 3) 2. Zoux weicTin-Hungh. To the Lord (v. 6) Maiv dungx dingc ninh nyei zuiz. Not to judge (condemn) him (v. 13) 3. Maiv dungx zoux ziqc zuiz ninh. Not wrong within itself (v. 14) 4. Zoux weic meih ganh. Keep it to self (v. 22)

26 Jaav-Fin-Saeng “False Teacher”
Dishonest Teaches error / false doc. ? 1. Zingx nyei mienh maiv haih benx jaav-fin-saeng. Honest man could not be a false teacher. 2. Fin-saeng zoux nyei sic bun ninh ganh nyungc. Teacher’s attitude makes the difference:

27 Maiv zingx Dishonest Zingx nyei
Sienx Fim Doctrine: Zoux dorngc nyei mienh aengx haih Dorng duqv jaa. Guilty Party Can Remarry Error / False Njaaux- Teaches Njaaux -Teaches Maiv zingx Dishonest Zingx nyei Honest Dorng-Jaa Marry Dorng-Jaa. Marry Dongh haaix doix mienh hienx auv hienx nqox? Which Couple Is In Adultery?

28 Jaav-Fin-Saeng “False Teacher”
Teaches error / false doc. Dishonest ? 1. Zingx nyei mienh maiv haih benx jaav-fin-saeng. Honest man could not be a false teacher. 2. Fin-saeng zoux nyei sic bun maiv fih hnangv. Teacher’s attitude makes the difference. 3. Mbuo hnangv haaix nor haih hiuv duqv jaav-fin-saeng? How can we know if he is false teacher? Se yiem ninh mbuo njaaux nyei jauv (1 Yo^han 4:1,6). By what he teaches (1 John 4:1, 6)

29 VI. Zien Ceix Jiu Baang Nyei Jauv Se: Real Edify Church Is:
A. Zien ceix jiu baang nyei jauv se ceix lingh wuonh. Real edification & spirituality 1. Ceix yiem Tin-Hungh nyei waac. Edified by the word of God(1 Corinthians 14) 2. Gorngv ganh nyungc waac – maiv haih ceix. Tongues – not edify. 3. Douc waac se (biux menghTin-Hungh nyei waac) – haih ceix nyei. Prophecy (reveals word) - edifies 4. Sienx fim se yiem Ging-Sou nyei waac daaih (Lomaa 10:17). Faith comes by the word (Romans 10:17)

30 B. Zoux La’nyauv Nyei Jauv - Confusion:
1. Oix zuqc hnamv mangc gaax se gorngv, gorngv waac nyei mienh zoux bun mienh a’hneiv, njien-youh naauc ngitv nyei jauv – naaic se gengh haih ceix jiu baang nyei fai! Think if speaker is dynamic, pleasant, stirs excitement & emotions - really edified! 2. Hnamv mangc gaax, se leiz-baaix horqc maaih njien-youh naauc ngitv nyei jauv, gorngv waac camv nyei juangc jienv caangh laanh, nzaeng jaax, lo haaix – naaic se ceix jiu baang nyei fai! Think if a class is fun, lot of discussion, good argument, exciting - really edified! 3. Se gorngv haih longx haic weic zuqc ganh duqv ei jienv mbuo nyei gen hoqc nyei jauv caux zunh doz nyei waac lo haaix – naaic gengh longx aqv. If feel good about self following a class, sermon, etc. - it was great! 4. Hnamv gaax se gorngv mbuo haih maaih njien-youh naauc ngitv caux doic (juangc nyanc juangc hopv, nyienx a’nziaauc, zoux kuv jaetv – naaic ceix jiu baang nyei fai! Think if we enjoy social events (eating, playing games, laughing) - “That was edifying!”

31 C. Zien Ciex Jiu Baang Nyei Jauv – Truth Church Edification
1. Laanh hnamv laanh. Love one another – John 13:34-35. 2. Laanh njaaux laanh. Instruct one another – Romans 15:14. 3. Laanh fuh sux laanh. Serve one another – Galatians 5:13. 4. Laanh njaaux laanh. Teach one another – Colossians 3:16. 5. Laanh orn laanh. Encourage one anther – 1 Thess. 4:18. 6. Laanh ceix laanh. Build each other up – 1 Thess. 5:11. 7. Laanh tengx laanh. Carry each other’s burdens – Gal. 6:2. 8. Laanh daux gaux weic laanh. Pray for each other – James 5:16.

32 Setv Mueiz Waac Conclusion
1.Maiv dungx muangx mienh nduov mbuo. Do not let anyone deceived you. 2. Oix zuqc mbungh jienv njaaux jaav leiz nyei mienh. Be alert and watch out for false teachers. 3. Maiv dungx sienx mienh gorngv ninh mbuo ganh maaih Yesu. Do not believe people said they are the only church have Jesus. 4. Zien ceix jiu baang nyei jauv se njaaux zien Ging-Sou nyei waac. Truth church edification is to teach the truth word of God.

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